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Old 02-25-2009, 04:20 AM
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Default Naso Tangs

How well do they get along? I am just talking about the regular "Lipstick" Naso Tangs. I have seen a few people keep them in pairs. I guess they are not actually pairs but do tolerate each other. From what I have read, they are one of the most passive tangs out there.

What I am getting at, is that I have always wanted a "pair". If Im being honest with myself, I kind of know my tank is not really big enough but for some reason I am still looking into it

I am not even sure the tank is big enough for one They get so huge.

But what was your experience if you tried two?

I doubt I will try it but again...for some reason I am looking into it
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:02 AM
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Strange I was wondering this same thing myself. I don't want to keep a pair but they are so easy to sex, I would think people would have done it.

When I asked at the LFS as the why it is not common I was told if the male does not accept the female he will kill her. I don't know much truth there is to it, but it must have happened before t have that info.

My naso is my favorite fish. She is so interactive and such a peace keeper of my tank.
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:58 AM
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Yeah mine is one of my fav fish too. "He" is soooo docile and calm. Seems like such a thoughtful fish. I would love a "pair" but don't know that I would ever risk it and don't think my tank is big enough anyways.

I also don't know yet if mine is male or female. "He" is a little too small still to know. It does look like "he" may be getting the streamers but maybe not. Hard to tell.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:08 PM
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They really do seem insightful and thoughtful for sure. When my Majestic fell ill and I was trying to to swim her around, my naso came and helped me with her. She would swim on the other side of my hand to hold the angel upright, and would watch her and not allow other fish to come near the angel. It was very touching to see. She guards the baby fish and makes sure no harm comes to them. If the three other tangs quarrel, she comes and breaks it up. When the other tangs see her coming they disperse very quickly. I know that fish thinks and has feelings more so then the others.

From a terrified fish that almost starved to death she has become robust and will eat nori from my hands (only thing she eats to this date but working on it and giving selcon to compensate). She swims into my hand and I can run my fingers along her topline. She looks like velvet but she feels like sandpaper.

If I could only keep one fish, she would be the one to stay. I would never part with her.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Yeah mine is one of my fav fish too. "He" is soooo docile and calm. Seems like such a thoughtful fish. I would love a "pair" but don't know that I would ever risk it and don't think my tank is big enough anyways.

I also don't know yet if mine is male or female. "He" is a little too small still to know. It does look like "he" may be getting the streamers but maybe not. Hard to tell.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:35 PM
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I love Naso tangs but I would never keep one unless I had 500+ gallons. When they grop up they get huge!
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by digital-audiophile View Post
I love Naso tangs but I would never keep one unless I had 500+ gallons. When they grop up they get huge!
Seems kind of excessive. With this kind of thinking (relative fish size to tank size), there are not many fish you can keep in any tank.
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