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Old 12-23-2008, 09:09 PM
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Default 125g saltwater set up help

Hi everyone,

Well right now I have a 33gal saltwater tank, but in the spring I am going to move my 135g 72in (6ft) x 24in (2ft) x 18in (1.5ft). NOW my question for this tank IS ....

its not drilled and I want to make this an easy but yet nice reef set up.... what do I need as in equiptment for some nice but easy and hardy corals that are more forgiving, as I am a novice in reefs, I'd had pleny fish but never reef. And so I figured I'd start getting my stuff slowly now so when spring comes I'll have everything OR at least most of what I need for that tank. WHAT I have right now is

2 x 500 aqua clear filters, 2 ebojager heaters, and thats it as I used it just for cichlids before. THanks for your help everyone.

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Old 12-23-2008, 09:33 PM
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I Know if that is a hagen tank it can't be drilled from the bottom. BUT the sides or back can be drilled. I will do a overflow box in the corner towards the top alot easy then having it in the bottom. like mine.

there is nothing wrong with the aqua clear 500's they are great for moving water if you have them on each end they have alot of flow. you can also run just carbon in them take out the foam and pack it with carbon in a bag and phosban in there along as mini refuguims in there too. but that is if you dont drill. they are great for polishing the water....

if you go with ta sump then the heaters can be put in the sump along wit your gonna need a return pump. and a good skimmer. if you are going FOWLR and if you are gonna to have lots of fish,

Originally Posted by Fishgirl View Post
Hi everyone,

Well right now I have a 33gal saltwater tank, but in the spring I am going to move my 135g 72in (6ft) x 24in (2ft) x 18in (1.5ft). NOW my question for this tank IS ....

its not drilled and I want to make this an easy but yet nice reef set up.... what do I need as in equiptment for some nice but easy and hardy corals that are more forgiving, as I am a novice in reefs, I'd had pleny fish but never reef. And so I figured I'd start getting my stuff slowly now so when spring comes I'll have everything OR at least most of what I need for that tank. WHAT I have right now is

2 x 500 aqua clear filters, 2 ebojager heaters, and thats it as I used it just for cichlids before. THanks for your help everyone.

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Old 12-23-2008, 09:40 PM
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What is your budget like? Are you willing to drill your tank? IMO dont cheap out on anything, you will end up regreting it in the end. Get a large skimmer, and good lighting, if you are like most people in this hobby you will end up wanting "bigger and better". I would suggest 3 x 250W metal halide and T5 supplimental lighting and somthing of a mid grade skimmer or better (bubble king is nice but big $$$). Drilled is the way to go if you have the capability to do so, glass cutting bits are fairly inexpensive on the internet. The more water volume you can add to your system the better, so get the biggest sump you can.

Here is a little chart that might help you in picking a skimmer

Last edited by parkinsn; 12-23-2008 at 10:27 PM. Reason: Skimmer Chart
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Old 12-23-2008, 11:25 PM
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wow! thank you so much for your help guys, I have always like my aquaclears but then again with that tank it was simply just cichlids, as I use to be really big into them, SO yeah now its a whole different ball game all together, as far as my buget goes well, I never like to stinch out, but then again have to stick with what I can afford, so hopefully I can buy it all peice by piece and by the time spring comes I can have MOST of all the important stuff I need,

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