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Old 04-19-2007, 02:08 AM
Aflac Aflac is offline
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Default Limited Fish Choices??

Hey guys,

I'm very new to this whole reef thing. I'm in the process now of acquiring all the equipment and trying to figure this whole thing out (It's kind of overwhelming).

After reading as much as I can, I'm leaning towards a bare bottom tank.

My question is: Does this limit the choices of fish I can get??

The reason I ask is that the one fish I REALLY want at some point is a Mandarin Goby. From everything I've read it seems that they require feeding from the substrate. Another fish I was checking out is a lawnmower blenny.

Can these fish (and others) survive in a bare bottom tank or will I have to find something else?

Hopefully you guys can help.

Thanks in advance,l
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Old 04-19-2007, 02:48 AM
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Think about the fish's natural environment, some wrasse bury themselves in sand when frightened or sleeping, there's sand sifting and engineering gobies. Then of course the exceptions, pistol shrimp and goby pairs where someone on Canreef keeps on BB.

BB might also limit choices in coral.

Mandrins eat pods and you'll find them on rocks where you see the fish cruising.

Last edited by mark; 04-19-2007 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 04-19-2007, 05:01 AM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Lawnmower is an algae eater, will do fine in a bare bottom as long as you have enough algae growing (hair algae). Mandarins eat pods, get some tiger pods and let them go for a couple months in the tank before you try to add a mandarin, there will be a nice population of pods for your fish. One thing to think about, bare bottom is fine but get lots of reef rubble for behind your larger rock, that gives your pods more hidding spots and safety from other predators.

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