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Old 04-15-2007, 08:23 PM
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Default 30g Nano Cube

Since I'm moving in the near future, and can't take my 230g with me, I'm setting up a nano so I can get my fix.

I picked up a cute little 18"x18"x18" cube from Outtafocus. As soon as it got here I set it up with freshwater so I could see it in action.

The tank came with the stand, sump, Coralife skimmer, an ebo jager heater, a SCWD, and a mag 7 return pump. It arrived fully plumbed, and ready to be set up.

After letting it run for a couple of hours I decided that I would need a different flow pattern, and possibly more flow. I intend to keep the tank full of SPS, clams, and limited livestock. That being said some changes were made.

First I changed the standpipe. I opted to go for a gurgle buster design. This was the original:
This is the new standpipe:

After that I changed the drain pipe to maximize sump space. It went from this:
to this:

I also changed the return plumbing. So far this was the biggest change I made. I started by drilling the tank and adding in bulkheads. Through some clever plumbing, thanks to KrazyKuch, I now have two 90s pointing down to the bottom. Later they will hold two spray bars which, I hope, will alternate flow from top to bottom of the tank.

The returns before:

New returns, still on the SCWD:

Overall from the back the return plumbing looks like this:

Yesterday I was the recipient of some practically free, 'cause it didn't cost me anything, lights. This a 10k mogul 175w MH that came from Ed Holland. It even came in a lovely reflector ready to go into my hood, whenever I get around to it.

So far I have made numerous trips to the hardware store, and will probably be making a bunch more. I made two useless ones because my new puppy has learned how to use chairs to get onto tables.

She chewed up the first 90, so I went back to the store. When I got back, I found she chewed the second one, which resulted in a third trip. Nothing is tall enough when your dog understands how to use chairs...

Remaining things to do before adding actual salt water and life to my tank:
- add in a refugium to the sump
- refugium lighting
- hood to hold display tank lighting; 1xMH, 2x PCs, and moonlights
- add in spray bars
- repaint the blue on the back of the tank

So that is my tank in a nutshell so far. I hope to have it up and running by May 1st.
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Last edited by michika; 04-15-2007 at 08:26 PM. Reason: typos
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:43 PM
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Hey good work Catherine. I take it you are moving into a smaller place but too bad you couldn't take your 230g with you.
I love cube tanks. I have a 110g cube and it is my most successful tank by far. I have a 300g cube out in the shed that I hope to set up one day. The only things I really need for it are a stand, pumps and a light hood to hold my lights...... oh and room.
I bet you are going to be really happy with your cube - keep us up to date.
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:51 PM
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I'm actually moving into residence to finish up my last term of school. The 230g and all my bigger fish are going with KrazyKuch to our new house.

I love this tank already. Its different then the standard rectangular tanks I'm used to, but different in a good way. I kind of just want it to be move in date so I can officially set this system up in its and my new home for the next 9 months.

A 300g cube sounds so awesome!
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Old 04-15-2007, 09:05 PM
marcingo marcingo is offline
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Im actually setting up an oceanic 30 gal cube. However the lights that came with it I think may be much to strong (1 400 watt mogul MH) Im just wondering what you are using or planning to use on yours?
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:50 PM
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Wow thats a fantastic looking setup. Its so clean looking

Can't wait to see it filled with livestock
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Old 04-15-2007, 11:19 PM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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Yesterday I was the recipient of some practically free, 'cause it didn't cost me anything, lights. This a 10k mogul 175w MH that came from Ed Holland. It even came in a lovely reflector ready to go into my hood, whenever I get around to it.

Right here
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Old 05-02-2007, 10:42 PM
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Nothing new??
If it is just us,
It seems like an awful waste of space.
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Old 05-02-2007, 10:49 PM
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Lots new actually!
I'm assembling photos, hopefully for an update tonight.

The tank currently has rock, sand, and a new 'fug to boast about. Tomorrow its getting livestock!
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Old 05-04-2007, 02:42 AM
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May 3rd update,

The tank has hit a bit of a slump as far as production is going. I keep planning on working on it, and then something comes up, and I get distracted.

First there came spray bars!

Then came the disaster....the siphon break holes I drilled at the top of the spray bars morphed into mini gisers courtesy of my SCWD. I then had to drill bigger holes in the spray bars. Now I have mini mounts of wavy water when the SCWD alternates, I'm pretending and calling it added surface movement!

After the spray bars came the hood! I have 2xPCs ordered, and I have picked up the supplies required for moonlights!

I installed two little fans to facilitate air movement, one blowing in, and one blowing out.

Next up was a powerbar, installed below the display, at the back of the stand to keep everything looking neat and clean.

The MH ballast was also installed. Something still needs to be done about the cords, but that is a job for tomorrow.

This is the sump as it stands now. I'm going to find a way to keep all the cords up, out of the water, and with drip loops.

The display with some fugly sump rock from the 230g tank. I have some nice rock picked out from the display, but I don't want to move it to the nano yet, as most of it is encrusted with SPS.

The whole thing sitting on plastic in the basement. I move in less then 4 weeks, so we just left the plastic down as its there for painting the basement.

I tested all my levels today and it seems that I have a slight ammonia spike. I'm not sure where it came from as everything came from the 230g display. I'm just going to finish all the hardware related work, and hopefully by then the system will be ready for livestock.

Next up:
-lighting for the refugium
-fans for the sump
-install my PC lights (whenever they arrive)
-install the moonlights
-put all the lighting on timers
-add macro algae to 'fug
-remove fugly rock and replace with pretty rock
-add livestock
I glue animals to rocks
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Old 05-04-2007, 03:10 AM
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looks good so far Catherine
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