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Old 04-08-2007, 04:26 AM
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Default Gen-x ozone generator-Warning

The Gen-x ozone generator model GX-OZ250 from Pacific Coast Imports, also marketed under the Resun brand name, which is supposed to be adjustable form 0-250mg/hr may NOT be adjustable. (this is the generator without the built in air pump.)

I have 2 units purchased a year apart and another reefer on another board has also confirmed that the potentiometer which is supposed to adjust the output is not connected to anything. The unit runs full blast at all times.

(the 2 wires goint to the back of the pot are for the on/off switch)

If you are running this on anything but a large system and without a controller this could be very dangerous to your livestock and not very good for your health.

here is a much better pic taken by another reefer of his unit

I would like to get feedback on how many others have this same problem and to alert others who may not be aware of this problem.
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Old 04-08-2007, 04:33 AM
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That is disturbing...
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Old 04-08-2007, 05:04 AM
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This could potentailly be a very dangerous situation for you guys livestock.I hope you caught this before anything was harmed.But I have to ask,just so you have more info behind you.Have you tested this on a tank to see if it does pull the temp way down? Could the on/off swich be a rheostat?Like a dimmer switch on a light?
Either way its good to see you looking out for others best interest
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Old 04-08-2007, 02:18 PM
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That could be a law suit for fake advertisment...
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Old 04-16-2007, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Quagmire View Post
Could the on/off swich be a rheostat?Like a dimmer switch on a light?
I just got around to double checking with a meter today. It is just as I reported: The on, off switch is just that, continuity when on, open circuit when off.

I got an RMA and am sending it off tommorrow. I'm just ****ed that I have to send it back, by UPS no less, at my expense.
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Old 04-16-2007, 08:01 AM
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Default Confirmed !

I can absolutely positevly confirm that this unit is not adjustable.
I got one from Ocean aquatics. Used for one day on my 60 Gal and returned it back to store.
My ORP would jump from 250 up to 450 in 15 minutes.
The switch will only turn the unit on and of thats it.
Originally Posted by beaker020 View Post
The Gen-x ozone generator model GX-OZ250 from Pacific Coast Imports, also marketed under the Resun brand name, which is supposed to be adjustable form 0-250mg/hr may NOT be adjustable. (this is the generator without the built in air pump.)

I have 2 units purchased a year apart and another reefer on another board has also confirmed that the potentiometer which is supposed to adjust the output is not connected to anything. The unit runs full blast at all times.

(the 2 wires goint to the back of the pot are for the on/off switch)

If you are running this on anything but a large system and without a controller this could be very dangerous to your livestock and not very good for your health.

here is a much better pic taken by another reefer of his unit

I would like to get feedback on how many others have this same problem and to alert others who may not be aware of this problem.
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Old 05-28-2007, 12:20 AM
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I received confirmation from Jason Delp of Pacific Coast Imports this week that the POT used to be connected to an air pump in older models but the manufacturer has removed the pump from production.

I question the efficacy of using airflow to regulate ozone production. I believe it would only effect the concentration of the output and not the amount of ozone produced.

PCI have offered to issue a credit to the place I bought it from so they can in turn issue me a credit. We'll see how that goes. In the mean time I filed a complaint with the FTC.

This product is still being sold and marketed as adjustable and that is clearly false and fraudulent.
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Old 09-22-2010, 02:20 AM
sohal tang sohal tang is offline
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Question am I in trouble???

I just bought one of these second hand....have I wasted my money?

I am using 280 gallon reef and a controller with it....

Will the controller not prevent problems with the ORP probe etc?

Should I use it or not?

Thanks for your input, comments, advice,

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Old 09-22-2010, 03:20 AM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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Originally Posted by sohal tang View Post
I just bought one of these second hand....have I wasted my money?

I am using 280 gallon reef and a controller with it....

Will the controller not prevent problems with the ORP probe etc?

Should I use it or not?

Thanks for your input, comments, advice,

Your controller with its own orp probe, will turn the ozone on or off depending on the settings you have programed into the controller.
So in your case you are alright. Its just going full bore when on.
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