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Old 02-14-2006, 12:41 PM
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Default New Bubble King skimmers

I have had quite a few people inquire about my Bubble King skimmer - soon to be plural. IMO this is an amazing skimmer but as I have stated many times it is pricey. BK is supposedly coming out with a new line of skimmers soon that are designed for smaller tanks and will apparently have a much smaller price tag. I am in no way affiliated with this nor do I sell BK's it's just that as there has been many questions thought people might be interested.
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:43 PM
kari kari is offline
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But are you affiliated with in any or fashion?

That BK skimmer sure looks like a kick-ass skimmer.
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:54 PM
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Default is a bulletin board much the same as Canreef, reef central, reef frontiers etc etc etc. If you mean am I a member of this board then yes I am. I also use the zeovit products (said I would try it for a year on one tank). I buy my products just like anyone else would and don't sell anything. Just trying to pass on some information as I have had quite a few pm's and questions about the bubble king skimmer. If I offended anyone by posting this then would someone please delete the post and I will not post any more about zeovit products or the Bubble King Skimmers.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:22 AM
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Ruth, I have been wondering for some time about your Zeovit experiment. How is it going and are there any observations you would care to share with others on this board (and sorry for hijacking this thread with this question)

75 gallon tank, 33 gallon sump
60 lbs Sand, 75 lbs live rock, Euro-Reef 6-2+, Poseidon PS3 return, 2 x 250W 13K Giesemann
Branched Murex(?), Cerith Snails, Turbo Snails, Astrae Snails, Golden Cowries, Blue Legged Hermits, Red Legged Hermits, 2 Ocellaris clowns, Pygmy Angel
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Old 02-15-2006, 06:11 AM
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hey ruth any idea on the prices on the new BK's? are they going to be somewhat affordable or still exotic?
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:34 PM
kari kari is offline
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Sorry Ruth, I consumed a thimble of beer and became obnoxious.

I haven't used a skimmer with a needle wheel and always wondered if the needle wheel clogged with debris over time ( like impeller sludge) and altered performance. Do you find you need to take apart the pumps often for this?
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:44 PM
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No idea on the pricing of the new line BK skimmers - my understanding from reading the threads on it is that they are supposed to be cheaper and better suited for smaller systems than their current line of skimmers. If they are as efficient, energy wise and performance wise, as their current line it should be impressive IMO.
As for the zeovit method it is really hard for me to comment right now. I started using zeo in the middle of November and then discontinued while I was in Vancouver for 3 weeks at Christmas. I started up again basically starting over when I returned and then my reactor broke on me. I got that working - sort of (waiting for a replacement) - and then had a heat issue that I didn't realize until about a week later that took out just about all my SPS. I have been back on track now for about 2 weeks and have noticed the SPS that survived boiling (90 degrees) have started to colour back up. I have a temporary fix on the heat issue with a fan (really ghetto looking) and will be stopping dosing when I go on holidays in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS WHOOT!. I promised myself that I would try zeo for a year so I think once I get back from holidays I will effectively start my year from then. If people are interested I can post my results.
For the record I also use a Deltec skimmer and an ASMG4X skimmer on my other systems - not affiliated with them either. Both great skimmers but I will be changing out the ASM for another Bubble King.
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