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Old 02-07-2006, 12:36 PM
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Default Sump/fuge for a large cube

So I am trying to get equipment etc. for a new tank that I will be setting up sometime this year and looking for input on a sump/fuge. It is a 300g 4' X 4' cube with a center overflow. I am wondering if I should get a square fuge built or if I could go with like 2 X 75g tanks and use one as the fuge and one as the sump for equipment and just get them both drilled so that one overflows into the other (somehow). Any suggestions? I do not plan on using a closed loop on this tank initially (see how it goes with 4 6200 Tunzes on a controller). It is an acrylic tank so do have the option of drilling in the future if I am not happy.
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Old 02-07-2006, 01:54 PM
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4x4 cube! Thats going to be awesome.
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Old 02-07-2006, 02:59 PM
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If you have the room to seperate the fuge and the sump, I would do so.

How many holes and what size, in the center overflow?

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Old 02-07-2006, 03:16 PM
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I would 2 two 3' tanks. 1 for fuge, 1 for sump. If you want one to drain into the other though, I would build a stand (that fit under the stand for the display tank of course) for the sumps that would make the two tanks sit one above the stairs kinda thing if you see what I'm saying...
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Old 02-07-2006, 03:27 PM
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If there is no room under tha stand to raise one up, then you can connect the two tanks with pvc and two bulkheads at equal height. Have the water first go into the fuge, then through the bulkhead into the sump. This should work as long as the water level maintained in the fuge is higher than the sump, which will generally be the case.

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Old 02-07-2006, 03:31 PM
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Overflow is 12" X 18" and has 5 holes (I think - it's still all wrapped up). 2" drain and 4 X 3/4" returns.
I don't think I could do the stacking thing with 2 separate tanks as the sump/fuge will be underneath the display and I also want this display to actually be lower than normal because my "plan" is to make it top down viewable for clams.
So far I have most of the equipment I will need - calcium reactor, tunzes, protein skimmer, return pump.
I am still a little undecided on how I want my lights to work. Initially I was going to go with 2 X 250W MH supplimented by VHO actinics for one "side" of the tank and 2 X 400W MH with Luminarc reflectors. I actually have this purchased but am now thinking that I may just want to go with 4 Luminarc 400W penants. I guess my question is how the heck would I suppliment this with some kind of VHO actinic? Could you just go with a fixture with only VHO and sort of run it down the middle?
Help and suggestions most appreciated.
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Old 02-07-2006, 03:40 PM
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If you stand is low, to get two tanks you will probably have to do as I mentioned. That or use a tank that is shorter than the other, that could save drilling one of the tanks.

If you want MH and VHO on a 4x4 tank, im thinking one giant hanging fixture. You could then put the lights wherever you want in it, including 3 or 4 ft VHOs. This would take some woodworking though.

If woodworking isnt an option, the other option is to buy 2, retail 4ft fixtures with 2xMH+VHO already in them. Then just hang them side by side. It would be like lighting 2, 2x4ft tanks. Hamilton for example, makes these. THey are available at JL aquatics. There are also some pendants with PC actinics built into them as well, but pretty weak and pricey.

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