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Old 12-24-2005, 06:35 AM
Edmsalt Edmsalt is offline
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Default SW Fish ??

Can anybody tell me if Koi's Fish Pond is still selling SW fish?? This place is beside Q Club. (edmonton, on stony plain road). For some reason, their number isnt in the white pages, but in driving past them, seems they sstill there.

I know that about 5 years ago (when I wasn't into the SW fish), they were selling them, but now, I haven't been there for years.

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Old 12-24-2005, 06:48 AM
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Stay away from that place. I used to volunteer there before I knew much, after the owner changed(about 2-3yrs ago)... but after I started to learn more.... I figured out that the way they keep their animals is horrible. I plead you not to support that place. Last I was in there, they had one SW fish, a clownfish, whom has never been for sale. The name has changed from Koi Pet Shop to "Evolution of Pets" because of the new owner, but from what I've seen(the staff numbers have dwindled, less customers, it seems to be going out of business slowly) they have not been able to change their sign...

I volunteered there for close to a year.... Evertime after that, that I've stepped in to there, it only gets worse. The owner also thinks she knows everything, and they've given out alot of incorrect information.

Sorry for the long rant, but just my 2 cents...

I'd reccomend something like Petcetera or PJ's over them any day.... But as we all know the best places in town are BA's and AI.

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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Old 12-24-2005, 03:10 PM
Edmsalt Edmsalt is offline
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thanks Chris for the advice.

You're absolutely right, there's no place like BA or AI. I would consider places like AqFant and "Kois" 2nd rate, if not 3rd... (due to how they may treat their fishes.)

I guess theres no cheating reality. "You get what you pay for"!
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Old 12-24-2005, 03:15 PM
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Dad's fish room started bringing in some SW fish a little while back. Don't know if they still have any, but its worth a shot. There are on roughly 99St and 81Ave-ish.
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Old 12-26-2005, 07:02 AM
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I picked up a 2.5" Red Sea Sailfin Tang @ Dad's a few weeks ago. They definately are still doing saltwater. Apparently they are expanding and moving early in the New Year.
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Old 12-26-2005, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Edmsalt
Can anybody tell me if Koi's Fish Pond is still selling SW fish?? This place is beside Q Club. (edmonton, on stony plain road). For some reason, their number isnt in the white pages, but in driving past them, seems they sstill there.

I know that about 5 years ago (when I wasn't into the SW fish), they were selling them, but now, I haven't been there for years.

I was at Koi's a few months back and was not pleased. they had a miniature horse in a small area for brooms and the cat pens were a mess. Definatly wont be going back there ever again.
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Old 12-26-2005, 09:12 PM
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Stan is absolutely right, I remember all that there. I had my boa in there at one time as I was going to sell him... they fed him once in two months, and put a hot-rock in with him resulting in thermal burns to his belly

I've heard good things about Dad's. There is also Pet-Cetera if you really want, and I think some PJ's might still carry some SW?


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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Old 12-31-2005, 11:40 PM
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i just thought i would put in my 2 cents as well,
i been to koi, and they are horrable to there animals, i have a friend that works for the SPCA and they get a phone call almost everyday about that place, and as of know i believe theres a huge law thing going on with them, i rather go to petcetera, when i used to work there, i knew it was pretty good, some of the staff are stupid, just watch the prices some of them are pretty out there for what they get there fish for... but i would go with petcetera more then koi, anyday....
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