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Old 07-14-2005, 04:08 AM
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Default ASM/Euroreef skimmer setup

I picked up an ASM G1 skimmer and put a Sedra3500 on it. Buncha questions -
  1. The pipe going from the pump to the skimmer looks like 3/4" PVC should fit. How far in should it extend? To the centre of the chamber, or just to the edge?
  2. Should the end of the pipe be angled to get a swirl or anything like that, or will just a flat/straight end suffice?
  3. I have a high water level in my sump. The water goes up to the top of the chamber. How much should the skimmer be raised? I'm gonna guess about 4". Sound OK?
  4. How much higher from the sump level should the water exit the skimmer? If I have it at the water, it releases a LOT of bubbles into the sump which then get into the main tank.
  5. Is there any reason I couldn't have a pipe attached to the skimmer output so I could plumb the whitewater back through the baffles?

Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 07-14-2005, 04:39 AM
Glampyre Glampyre is offline
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Hi Tony, good choice on a skimmer. You'll love it once its set.

1. The pipe only needs to extend to the edge of the chamber. You'll get enough action inside without extending into the center.

2. Straight in is fine.

3. ASM G1's are designed to run in 8" or less of water, so raise it up high enough that the pump stays submerged.

4. The initial setting should be the return line set to the level of the bottom of the collection cup. The foam on the pipe is meant to catch any bubbles that spill over. Like any skimmer, it will need a few days to settle in. The micro bubbles will settle down in time.

5. Don't put an extension on the return pipe. A Sedra 3500 is bigger than the skimmer should have in the first place (manufacturer recommends a Sedra 2500. I've talked to Mike and Ted, the owners, and they know how to build these things well)

Hope that helps.
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Old 07-14-2005, 04:49 AM
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Only really small Euro-reefs use less than a Sedra 5000 fwiw (not Sedras no more, they switched brands). That may have no bearing on this skimmer however, so it is just fwiw.
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Old 07-14-2005, 05:16 AM
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Hmm, I hope I didn't make a mistake ordering the 3500. I thought maybe the difference between a G1 and a G1X was just the pump.

Anyhow, thanks for the info, great stuff. Very helpful.. I got it running for the time being, will have to probably make little tweaks here and there over the next few days, but for the most part, wow, I'm impressed already.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 07-14-2005, 04:05 PM
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Ah crap, I just noticed the box for the pump says "Sedra 5000." Am I overpowering the skimmer with this pump?

Boy am I observant

That could explain a lot...

Next question (Maybe a moot point, now, but, I'll ask anyhow..) Does the skimmer have to sit in no more than 4" - 6" of water? I run a high sump volume and the skimmer is too tall to be raised high enough before it hits the top of the tank stand. To lower the sump level would involve taking out baffles and putting in smaller ones and that's ... well ... an awful lot of work.

Do I need to return the pump for something smaller (2500 or 3500)?

Can I throttle the pump back? A valve on the output perhaps?

Plug and play ... pfffffffffffft!!!! Noooooo such thing!!!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:04 PM
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I think you may have trouble as the sump level somewhat dictates the level in the skimmer and with the super strong pump you may be forcing to much water = more microbubbles in the sump and less contact time in the skimmer.... check the ASM club thread on RC... You may be able to drill another hole in the skimmer body and feed it with some or all of your flow returning from the tank and do the recirc mod... this may slow the flow of water through the skimmer body
Hope you get it sorted out
I run the G4X ... awesome skimmers
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:22 PM
monza monza is offline
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I have a GX 4 and the difference between it and the G 4 is only the pump, if that helps.

Also the closer you have your pump inlet to the water surface the better it will skim. (collect more proteins and such that float on the water surface) So you could make a elbow up joint.

this is a good skimmer prodution thread on Reef Central...long read but good
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