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Old 05-13-2005, 06:28 AM
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Default Skimmer Question . . .

Hey all . . .

Saw a prizm skimmer that I wanted to buy but here's the deal:

I have a 27gal with a custom 12-13gal fuge . . . I have a penguin 125 (for mechanical filtration) and an aquaC remora skimmer. . .

I was thinking of ditching the penguin 125 and buying a prizm skimmer . . . Would it make a difference? Or am I just wasting money?

Ooh Ooh . . . different question . . . For a 75gal with a 33gal fuge . . . which skimmer would you guys suggest . . . ??

Thanks all. . .
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Old 05-13-2005, 06:56 AM
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If you already have a Remora why would you add a Prizm? I would probably just toss the Penguin anyways.. If you find you have too much suspended crap in the water, try a filter sock over a filter intake or output, or somewhere in your fuge. I have about 2" of crushed coral in my fuge and find that it catches 99% of the debris.
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Old 05-13-2005, 03:00 PM
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I wouldn't be too hasty in getting rid of your mechanical filtration. As long as the media is thoroughly cleaned weekly in outgoing changewater, you are exporting at least some crud that would otherwise stay in your system.

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Old 05-13-2005, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Beverly
As long as the media is thoroughly cleaned weekly in outgoing changewater...
THERE IT IS! Aaahhhh... thanks Bev!

But on topic, don't buy a second skimmer, esp that one. You're not really helping anything, not with a Remora on there already. And sure, a hang-on or other filter can be very useful if used correctly and MAINTAINED WEEKLY.
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Old 05-13-2005, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by AJ_77
Originally Posted by Beverly
As long as the media is thoroughly cleaned weekly in outgoing changewater...
THERE IT IS! Aaahhhh... thanks Bev!

I could also list the reef chemistry links if you're up to it

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Old 05-13-2005, 09:08 PM
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Oooohhh, baby... uhh, I mean...


Why would you want to buy a Prizm when you already have a Remora?
I still don't get why this is even an issue. For the size of your system, you've got plenty of skimming going on.
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Old 05-14-2005, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by AJ_77
Why would you want to buy a Prizm when you already have a Remora?
I still don't get why this is even an issue. For the size of your system, you've got plenty of skimming going on.
More skimming?? It seems like I have TOO MUCH extra nutrients in my system . . . I think I may have Cyano or red slime? As soon as I do my syphoning of the substrate by doing my weekly water change . . . they're visibly back within 5 hours after cleaning . . . if not atleast the next day they are guaranteed back again. . . But anyhow . . . Yah . . plus the prizm would have cost me $70 for everything including the upgrade kit . . .

But thanks for everyone's input!! Save myself $70!! YaY! . . . Now who has acro's for me to buy??
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Old 05-14-2005, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by megatron_55
It seems like I have TOO MUCH extra nutrients in my system . . . I think I may have Cyano or red slime? As soon as I do my syphoning of the substrate by doing my weekly water change . . . they're visibly back within 5 hours after cleaning
You have narrowed down the problem to too many nutrients. What size is your tank? How many and how large are the fish in this system? Do you have macroalgae to utilize some of the nutrients? How large are your water changes? Do you clean your filter media weekly? Using RO or tapwater?

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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