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Old 02-26-2018, 09:30 PM
SharkBait48 SharkBait48 is offline
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Default Baldor Reeflo pump question.

Hey there, just recently acquired a Baldor reeflo pump (gold one). Got this as a package deal and have no real need for the power this thing has.

I believe the bearing in it is gone, which makes it very loud.
has anyone sent these away to get fixed?

Or would anyone need this as a back up/want to take it off my hands and get it up and running?
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:00 PM
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I have replaced the bearings on a few Reeflo's. It's not too bad to do yourself if you are a little bit handy.

Otherwise you can send it in to Reeflo for service, but the drawback is the shipping time both ways. The other alternative or see if there is a pump place locally that can help out. Baldor is a fairly big name for pump motors, so it should be possible to find someone who can work with them.


This shows the process for replacing the bearings (as well as the seals). The only thing is this example is showing the AOSmith motor, which uses different bearings than the Baldor (also the Baldor doesn't require un-notching the casing to get at the bearings, with the Baldors you just undo the bolts).

I don't remember the bearing part# for the Baldors. I'll see if I have that info at home and post back if I do.
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Old 03-07-2018, 05:44 AM
SharkBait48 SharkBait48 is offline
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That link is great, shows you everything you basically need to know.

Does look like you need to have some specific tools
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Old 03-07-2018, 03:19 PM
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I think the most specialized tool you'd need is a bearing or gear puller. I went and bought myself this one:

It's a bit specialized but I bought it anyhow (because TOOLZ! ).
-- Tony
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