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Old 11-11-2017, 12:57 AM
fadecase fadecase is offline
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Default Skimmer suggestions for 170g?

been cycling my tank with live rock while i am setting up the sump, and already got some green hair algae maybe from the rocks i got . I haven't bought a skimmer yet and wondering what you guys suggest for my 170 gallon with a 55 gallon sump thanks for the info
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Old 11-11-2017, 02:24 AM
robbie robbie is offline
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If you can get your hands on one, get a bashsea twisted skimmer 8-24. Hard to find in canada. I have a 6-24 for my 90 gallon and its unbelievable. The only downside is the beckett jet needs to be cleaned once in a while but they made it easy to get into. I paired mine with a sicce pump and its quiet. I have had vortex skimmers in the past but the bashsea has blown me away. I have had it for about 8 months.

I wish I could get a larger tank like yours. Good luck and I hope it works out for ya

Thats just my 2 cents
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Old 11-13-2017, 05:24 AM
fadecase fadecase is offline
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sweet thanks yea i had the vertex before was pretty good but these sound good i need to do some research . Always had one big skimmer but now was thinking of doing two smaller ones any suggestions on that? Where did you find it in canada btw?
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Old 11-13-2017, 06:09 PM
robbie robbie is offline
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Originally Posted by fadecase View Post
sweet thanks yea i had the vertex before was pretty good but these sound good i need to do some research . Always had one big skimmer but now was thinking of doing two smaller ones any suggestions on that? Where did you find it in canada btw?

I never really did find it in canada. I ordered it from an american online retailer. Theres not a lot of info on them so I took a chance and I love it. Paired with the right pump there not at all loud like you read people saying online about beckett style skimmers. But really any skimmer these days are pretty good. Opinions will vary on personal preference as always.

From what I understand and this is from no knowledge in running 2 skimmers, is that running 2 isnt ideal. Basically the one thats a bit more efficient will be working really hard and the other will be doing nothing. At least thats what some people I know around the hobby have said.

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Old 11-13-2017, 06:31 PM
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I wouldn't recommend getting anything that is 'hard to find' or not available in Canada, unless you have deep pockets.

Do get something that your LFS stocks and has parts for.
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Old 11-13-2017, 06:54 PM
robbie robbie is offline
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
I wouldn't recommend getting anything that is 'hard to find' or not available in Canada, unless you have deep pockets.

Do get something that your LFS stocks and has parts for.

Actually Bashsea is and extremely reputable company and you can get parts faster than most local stores. They are a commercial build company that now (last few years) are in the home aquarium business. Also the skimmer without the pump was about 250 dollars and with 500 (pump I bought locally, which is the part that fails) so its right in the neighborhood. I would recommend doing research before making unfounded recommendations.

Deep pockets are not required for this skimmer.
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Old 11-13-2017, 11:48 AM
Northern Reefer Northern Reefer is offline
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I have the Reef Octopus 150 sss Elite and could not be happier. I would go for the 200 as I am only running 150 gallons total. These are easy to clean, quiet and produce a lot of skimmate. The new ones come apex ready as well.
Red Sea Reefer 525 XL, Vortec M1, Reef Octopus 150 SSS Elite, Apex, WAV power heads, 3 X Aqua Illumination 26 HD.
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Old 11-13-2017, 09:25 PM
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Skimmers are pretty much all the same these days. You buy the pump, not the skimmer. Look for something that has pump parts readily available either online or locally. I always suggest supporting your LFS provided you have a decent one nearby.

Most of my clients use Bubble Magus. It's a Chinese brand, it's not the quietest option, however I've found them to be very reliable.

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~ Mindy

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