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Old 11-08-2004, 09:32 PM
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Default Cupramine & Puffers?

Anyone treated puffer before with Cupramine?

What was your experiences?

I dosed first time with Cupramine last night, only half a dose 0.25. Tested 4 times already with Seachem test kit and shady color test but just less then 0.25. I was going to wait 48hrs before dosing the last 0.25 to reach a total of 0.5 as directed on the bottle.

My tangs seem o.k. But my puffers.... not good. Porcupine puffer keeps puffing up full size up and down, goes on wild spurts! Is this normal while treatment at first?

The dogface puffer, was ill (Velvet & looks like flukes) before I got him but now seems worst after copper dose. He lays on bottom of QT in the erate (bubbles). Also doesn't use one gill, closed. The one gill he uses is blood red and open wide. Also I notice his eye is a little red. Is this normal with treatment with Cupramine?

I went home to check on them at lunch. The puffers both ate aggressively once I droped krill in. so hopefully thats a good sign that they are eating still but they both seemed like they were having a hard time keeping it down.

Does anyone have any suggestion or come acrosss this before. Is this normal puffers while in Cupramine treatment. I don't think they would do good with the next dose of 0.25 tomorrow night. I'm wondering if I should stop treatment.

Also I read once but now can't find that normal ammonia test kits dont work on Cupramine. Will give false reading? Does anyone know if this os true?

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated as I have never used copper before.

thanks a bunch in advance.
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Old 11-08-2004, 09:42 PM
ABreefkpr ABreefkpr is offline
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IMO eating is definitely a good sign. I hope things work out for you and your fish.

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Old 11-08-2004, 10:09 PM
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Aww...your a sweetie Keith, thanks so much! *BIG HUGS*

I will definately keep you posted.

Yeah I just hope they keep eating.
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Old 11-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Seamonkey Seamonkey is offline
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Is it ich that you are dealing with. I have used cupramine in the past, but you have to check with test kits all the time and I could never get a proper reading. There is a product I've used before and I think it was called coppersafe and you just added a certain dose per gallon and repeated again in 2 days or something like that. It does not need monitoring and it worked for my problem.
I have always added extra air pumps to the tank when treating with medication, as many of them can lower the oxygen content. So good idea to pop in a few air stones and get your surface water aggitating.
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Old 11-09-2004, 12:43 AM
Seamonkey Seamonkey is offline
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oops, I forgot to mention that there is a dog faced puffer, and a sharpnose puffer in the tank I treated and they were fine with both types of medication.
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Old 11-09-2004, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Seamonkey
I have used cupramine in the past, but you have to check with test kits all the time and I could never get a proper reading. There is a product I've used before and I think it was called coppersafe and you just added a certain dose per gallon and repeated again in 2 days or something like that. It does not need monitoring and it worked for my problem.
Hi Seamonkey,

Thanks so much for your reply.

Yeah I seem to be having that problem with Cupramine (not proper readings & have to check every time. Did you treat your dogface recently with Coppersafe? Did you have to use a smaller dose for the dogface? How much coppersafe did you put in?

CopperSafe bottle only says to add 1 TSP per 4 gallons but does not give an exact number to shoot for? I would want to make sure I don't under dose or over dose. Total copper concentration did you use? And curious what test kit you used. If this Seachem I got for the Cupramine would work good.

Would you say coppersafe was easier then Cupramine to usewhen you tried. Its great to talk with someone that has tried both. Also did you have ammonia problems with Coppersafe? Which I seem to be reading people seem to get with Cupramine? Did you get an ammonia spikes with Coppersafe?

Thanks a bunch you have been a big help. Yeah thanks for the tip about adding more aggitate, I wasn't sure if copper would absorb in hose but now I will add more. Can you keep a skimmer on too or no?

Since getting a "Free & Total Ammonia" test kit from Seachem I detected ammonia, figures. Thinking this may be the reason my puffers are puffing up and down. Think I will carbon with the filter tonight and do a big water change to rid ammonia and start again with tomorrow night with Coppersafe. Seems to be the better choice with treating puffers hey?

Thank you all for all your help & replys. Greatly appreciated. *HUGS*

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Old 11-09-2004, 05:08 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Medications never seemed to work for me. I added a UV sterilizer & that takes care of ick & keeps the water crystal clear. Just my $.02.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 11-09-2004, 08:07 AM
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Was thinking about a UV sterilizer actually. What kind do you have? Any good?
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Old 11-09-2004, 08:37 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Lifeguard 40w originally from J&L. Bought from somebody whose Powder Blue died before he had it set up. Mag 350 pump. If you catch it early, wipes out ick before it gets out of control. I usually plug it in for 2 weeks after new fish introduced into main tank, as a precaution.
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