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Old 02-01-2016, 05:01 PM
squibege squibege is offline
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Default Stocking help for my new 90G

-double posted in my build thread-

Would like opinions on my stocking list for my 90G (48lx18dx24t). It's my first reef tank. Wanting a mixed reef with mostly LPS and lots of fish which I know will be a large bioload. Currently have a Bubble Magnus 5 skimmer which I plan to upgrade as my bioload increases.

I put stars by the fish I'm least willing to give up on having (the anthias have stars because I know I want some, just not 100% sure which/how many). I've separated into chunks of additions I think will work best. PLEASE correct me if anything seems 'iffy'!

CUC will go first (obv)

*Yellow watchman goby
*Yellow clown goby
Purple Firefish

First corals, softies and lps.

*Clownfish (typical ocellaris)
*Banggai Cardinal (more than one?)

Bicolour Benny
*Chromis (want more than one but apparently that's not the best idea)

Yellowtail damsel
*Coral beauty dwarf angel

*Yellow tang

*Bartlett anthias x2
*Sunburst anthias

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Old 02-01-2016, 05:16 PM
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I dont know much about mixing anthias but though its best to stick to 1 species... so hoping thats you just deciding what ones.
And you either should be getting just 1 or 4-5 so they have a school. If you have 2 is kind of like guppies and the male will harass the crap out of the single female vs spreading his turdyness amongst the group.

Ditch the clown goby if you think you might ever want to add sps, even montis. They make a yummy snack.

Angels have a 50/50 chance of snacking on your lps.
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Old 02-01-2016, 05:27 PM
squibege squibege is offline
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
I dont know much about mixing anthias but though its best to stick to 1 species... so hoping thats you just deciding what ones.
And you either should be getting just 1 or 4-5 so they have a school. If you have 2 is kind of like guppies and the male will harass the crap out of the single female vs spreading his turdyness amongst the group.

Ditch the clown goby if you think you might ever want to add sps, even montis. They make a yummy snack.

Angels have a 50/50 chance of snacking on your lps.

So you recommend one species of anthias with one male and at least 3 females. What species are likely to be least-turdy?

I know the angel is 50/50. I'm hoping the odds are in my favour lol
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Old 02-01-2016, 05:35 PM
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Angels are a bitch to catch when they decide to snack on lps. Fish traps dont work for all fish. I had to dismantel more then half my tank and use plexiglass barriers to catch mine. The risk may or may not be worth it.
My first angel from the lfs didnt survive the night. My second one from another reefer gave me entire tank velvet and died. My 3rd from the lfs was a model citizen and other then getting bullied by my anthias he was super healthy.... then he decided my corals looked delish.

All my anthias research had said that. Either stick with 1, or a school, with a 90 gal i would do at least 5 or 6.
Turdyness to other fish i think will depend when you add them and if youre doing a group or a single.
My lyretail started as a group until velvet wiped out the tank (except the male anthias and my blenny for some odd reason) so he was in a sense the first fish in the tank when i finally added new ones so hes incharge, even the damsel cant misbehave with him around.

I dont have much experience with different species, just lyretail and disbar. But an anthias is an anthias for the most part.
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Old 02-01-2016, 05:48 PM
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I glanced through your build quickly. Are you keeping the egg crate under the rock? How much sand are you using? I would look into getting some wrasses. Those are always fun.
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Old 02-01-2016, 05:51 PM
squibege squibege is offline
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I'm doing eggcrate just at the base of the rock, not under the entire tank. Will be doing aragonite sand small to med grain.

I do like the idea of some wrasses, but not sure if I would want to get rid of my other fish choices to make room for them
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Old 02-01-2016, 06:33 PM
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Instead of anthias or banggai cardinals you could try Yellowstriped Cardinalfish.

Just keep in mind that "schooling" fish do so for safety from predators and not because they want to, left alone in a place with no predators(ie a tank) they don't school as much.
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Old 02-01-2016, 06:40 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Yellow Tail Damsels are the WORST. Mine (and many others) went totally crazy like a year in and started attacking all my other fish. They are IMPOSSIBLE to remove so I had to tear out all my rock and coral to get it.

Nightmere fish that should not be sold IMO!
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Old 02-01-2016, 07:10 PM
squibege squibege is offline
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Originally Posted by Animal-Chin View Post
Yellow Tail Damsels are the WORST. Mine (and many others) went totally crazy like a year in and started attacking all my other fish. They are IMPOSSIBLE to remove so I had to tear out all my rock and coral to get it.

Nightmere fish that should not be sold IMO!

I thought they were the tamest of the damsels
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Old 02-01-2016, 10:16 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Originally Posted by squibege View Post
I thought they were the tamest of the damsels
Mine killed a tomato clown then an anthias and was trying to kill a foxface that was like 6 times it Crazyest fish I've ever had, my whole family still talks about the time Speeder (kids named it) went loco on our fish.
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