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Old 10-30-2015, 09:36 AM
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Default FS: Upgraded Red Sea Max RSM 250 Set Up + Other Equipment

It is that time again sadly for me to take a break from this hobby. I didn't anticipate how time consuming this hobby has become as I got busier at work and in life. I purchased the RSM 250 from fellow Canreef member last year. I rather move on from this hobby on a high note, then neglect it over the course of the year.

The only time I look at my tank is when I feed the fish or my weekly water changes. This tank is fully automated except for automatic feeder as I don't want to pollute my tank. Everything is with in one year old or less except for the tank. The previous member had it for 2 years I believe.

This RSM 250 is modified with Rapid LEDs (white, blue, UV, RBG leds), it is fully controlled by the Apex system. There are four channels of intensity and photo period control. This tank can grow any coral.

The RSM 250 comes with the Lifereef Overflow box, the best on the market and guarantee to restart the syphon every time. I have also hooked up a float switch in the rear chamber just in case the syphon breaks and the switch will automatically turn off the return pump. So far this year the syphon has never stopped.

This tank is near silent except for the light fans. All the parts are quality silent equipment as I live in a studio, and my bed is 6 feet away from the tank.

Here is the package set up:

- Black Red Sea Max 250 tank + stand + Ehiem return chamber pump.
- Apex Standard Controller Package (the display unit screen doesn't work properly. Unit still works fine and, everything was set up through the router IP and Computer)
- Lifereef Overflow box + plumbing
- Custom made acrylic sump + Refugium Light
- Tunze Return Pump 1073.040 (Purchased ~5-6 months ago, still have warranty)
- Acrylic Probe Holder
- Heater + Fan (Controlled by Apex)
- Refractometer
- Half a bucket of Instant Ocean Salt
- Liverock (in tank and sump) + live sand

Price: $1600

The other parts:

- Bubble Magnus Skimmer Curve 5 - $135 (Purchased last December 2014)
- Tunze ATO 3155 + 5 gallon tank - $135
- Vortech MP40 QD w/ Reeflink - $425 (Purchased 5 months ago, still have warranty)
- Emperor Smart UV 25watts + Eheim Pump + NEW 25 watt UV Bulb - $150
- GHL Doser + 2 Acrylic containers + New bulk JL Aquatics Calcium/Alk Mix - $250
- CPR Tumbler Reactor - $20
- Vertex 100GPD RO Unit w/ Extra Filters + TDS meter - $75

If someone wants this package I can let it all go for $2500, and I will throw in all the miscellaneous test kits and equipment/tanks.

I am not in a hurry to sell so please don't insult me with low offers. The pricing for everything is already a lot lower than retail price (especially with the strong USD) for high quality equipment, and most of the items are less than a year old. Most of the items come with their respective boxes as well.

I will be posting livestock for sale shortly. I have to sell all the livestock before I can sell the tank and its contents. I am posting this first to see the offers/interest in the tank package.

Last edited by MCC; 10-30-2015 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 10-30-2015, 03:33 PM
ug.mac ug.mac is offline
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What kind GHL doser is that? I'm looking for GHL doser 2 SA.
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Old 10-30-2015, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by ug.mac View Post
What kind GHL doser is that? I'm looking for GHL doser 2 SA.
First gen. Not doser 2
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Old 10-30-2015, 07:46 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
busy with fresh water.
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Nice looking set up, so you run a separate sump as well as the stock chamber sump,Why?
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 10-30-2015, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by The Guy View Post
Nice looking set up, so you run a separate sump as well as the stock chamber sump,Why?
There is nothing in the stock chamber sump. The returning water from the sump below goes into the right side rear sump chamber. Then you will need a pump in the rear chamber to pump the water back to the front of the tank. Water than enters through the middle section and goes to the left side of the tank chamber to the overflow box to be taken back to the bottom sump.
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Old 11-01-2015, 04:52 AM
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Update List of Items:

Here is the package set up:

- Black Red Sea Max 250 tank + stand + Ehiem return chamber pump.
- Apex Standard Controller Package (the display unit screen doesn't work properly. Unit still works fine and, everything was set up through the router IP and Computer)
- Lifereef Overflow box + plumbing
- Custom made acrylic sump + Refugium Light
- Tunze Return Pump 1073.040 (Purchased ~5-6 months ago, still have warranty)
- Acrylic Probe Holder
- Heater + Fan (Controlled by Apex)
- Whatever is left of the liverock (in tank and sump) + live sand

Price: $1600

The other parts:

- Bubble Magnus Skimmer Curve 5 - $135 (Purchased last December 2014)
- Vortech MP40 QD w/ Reeflink - $425 (Purchased 5 months ago, still have warranty)
- Emperor Smart UV 25watts + Eheim Pump + NEW 25 watt UV Bulb - $150
- GHL Doser + 2 Acrylic containers - $235

Buy all for $2350 and I throw in test kits, additives, food.

Last edited by MCC; 11-01-2015 at 04:57 AM.
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