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Old 09-06-2015, 02:08 AM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
Masonjames is on a distinguished road
Default loads of sps and designer zoas (system shutdown)

Everything that's live is for sale.
Looking to sell as package.

Still working on price, but currently open to offers.

Will let everyone know if no package deal can be made and I start to part out ( a few items are spoken for already in the event of a part out)

Fish: yellow tang, starry blenny, mated clowns (lay eggs every 10 days or so), male bartlet anthias, two dozen or so snails, mature mangrove, and all live rock.

Sps: 42 frags/mini colonies (don't know name well, working on it)

Zoas and palys: 41 frags of designer and high ends (names and polyp count below)

Sunny d x 3p.
Sunny d x 5p.
Bam bam x 6p
Bam bam x4p
Rasta x 8p.
Rasta x 6p.
Insane rainbow x 2p
Insane rainbow x 2p
Cinnamon grandis x 1
Sunburst micro x 7p
Hula girl PPE x 2p
Blue paly x 3p
Candy Apple purple x 3p
Candy Apple red x 6p
Candy Apple pink x3p
Mind blowing paly x 4p
Mind blowing paly x 3p
Mind blowing paly x 5p
Mind blowing paly x 6p
Nuclear green x 2p
Emerald on fire x 2p
Gold maul x 3p
War head x 5p
Groovy grape PPE x 4p
Groovy grape PPE x 4p
Groovy grape PPE x 1p
Pink hippo x 3p
Pink zipper x 5p
Pink zipper x 3p
Purple death x 2p
Blue agave x 1p
Blue agave x 1p
Salted agave x 2 p
Space monster x 3p
Purple rhino x 1p
Flaming PRPE x 4p
Vivid rainbow x 3p
Princess peach x 2p
Jackolantern x 3p
Jokers x 3p
Stardust x 1p

All livestock healthy, and pest free. Never had pests, disease, Ich, etc etc.

Best the view in person, but can provide more photos to anyone interested. Viewable most and evening.

Contact me through pm only please.

Serious inquiries only. Again, will update if and when part out begins.

Sorry have no idea how to load pics. Please pm me and I can send photos through email or text.
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Old 09-06-2015, 02:22 AM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
Masonjames is on a distinguished road


Sorry not a great photo. Cell phone shot.

z&p's were all removed from the rock which is why they are one frag plugs.
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Old 09-07-2015, 02:10 AM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
Masonjames is on a distinguished road

All livestock pending sale
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