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Old 05-26-2015, 02:17 PM
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Default What is your opinion on the hobby's status?

From sustainable supply of livestock, to quality and likelyhood of successful acclimation of the livestock. From high priced new products, even present ones due to greedy manufactures or high exchange rate, call it what ever you want... To shrinking retailers, to unkept outdated websites, to frustrations of no clear instruction for new comers, which is very tough because every tank is unique and what works for one doesn't for another.

I see this hobby shrinking rather than expanding in western Canada or at least scaling back to where only the ones with deep alliances with livestock supplies outside this country will survive, depending on North American wholesalers for the sustainability of a saltwater specific shop is a short lived life.
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Old 05-26-2015, 02:43 PM
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Did someone pee in your Corn Flakes again?
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 05-26-2015, 02:48 PM
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I can't speak for the larger centres but here in PG the hobby is picking up with about 30-50 serious hobbyists with about another 60 or so who are dabbling or considering getting into the hobby so I would say here it is thriving.

However like anyone not in a major centre we suffer from not having a proper SW store and we have to order virtually everything in from the major centres which if you don't know who or what is available can definitely lead to issues.

With that being said I think that the hobby is increasing as it is becoming more affordable and it is becoming more accessible to the masses and with improvements in tech and survivability makes it easier than ever to keep a SW tank. Even with the restrictions in place of certain corals and fish more and more are going to ORA raised which I am a huge supporter of and although ORA raised is somewhat limited breeders and growers of coral are finding ways to make even the hard to maintain fish and coral survive and even breed.

When one door closes another opens so while the hobby goes through a transitition I believe that in the short term you will see retailers jump ship but those that stay will become stronger and I think you will see the hobby expand more outside the major centres.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:04 PM
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I just googled P.G.'s population and to say have that many hobbiest is impressive. Regina with over double the population in my mind would be pushing 30 people. From where I sit the prices have gone up considerable. Blood shrimp at $50.00..... What's that about.

I'm not sure what's up Mindy, the corn flakes did taste a little off this am. More just frustration with the LFS. I continue to go in, stand there shaking my head, which develops into banging my head on the front on the tanks asking "why do I continue to come back". I have the day off and if I was motivated I would be driving up to to see Colby's cache of gems.
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:12 PM
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I think the advent of more good online retailers has enhanced and made the hobby more accessible. The problem, though, is that the masses are just not aware. You'd think with the all the cheap(er) social media advertising options available now, it should be easier to reach out to those that might have an interest. I would target the freshwater crowd. I was one, and succumbed (albeit more by accident)... haha.
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:22 PM
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I guess I'm being more livestock specific. Online for dry goods and equipment is easy to access but with me being in the market for livestock at the moment and very picky on what I buy can produce some very long dry spells.

I can't think of 5 or 6 online livestock sites but with sites being so outdated it's frustrating. I just let out a snort of derision when I read "site will be updated shorty"
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:25 PM
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Colby really needs to expand.
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:17 PM
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To me it all comes down to local support. Here in S'toon we have all of the support we could ask for, tied in with internet resources, it gives the hobbyist all they could need. Retailers just need to hold on until the new Finding Dory comes out... the market will explode again! Then they should have well made kits and informational pamphlets ready to go for the care and maintenance of clownfish & anemones

I do see a trend to more of your hobbyists fragging and trading, which will help strengthen the supply, but can hurt the local retailers.
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Old 05-26-2015, 07:52 PM
Bayside Corals Bayside Corals is offline
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
From sustainable supply of livestock, to quality and likelyhood of successful acclimation of the livestock. From high priced new products, even present ones due to greedy manufactures or high exchange rate, call it what ever you want... To shrinking retailers, to unkept outdated websites, to frustrations of no clear instruction for new comers, which is very tough because every tank is unique and what works for one doesn't for another.

I see this hobby shrinking rather than expanding in western Canada or at least scaling back to where only the ones with deep alliances with livestock supplies outside this country will survive, depending on North American wholesalers for the sustainability of a saltwater specific shop is a short lived life.
I think the hobby is doing quite well. Trust me this is not an easy business! It's alot of work with not much pay. It's a business of love. Stores come and go all the time, especially the online basement operations. These people see $$$$ doing what they love. They think it will be easy, get to see sweet fish & corals and get rich doing it. Then reality kicks in. They make half as much as they do with their regular job and work twice as much. Usually takes a year or so for that reality to kick in. Once it does they are gone.

My opinion forums are dying not the hobby. Go on Facebook, most NEW people are on saltwater pages setup on facebook, buy and sell pages, frag pages, etc. The hobby is moving towards social media just like the rest of the world. Yes customers come and go it happens. You stay in it long enough and you see old customer come back. Sometimes people take a break from the hobby for what ever reason. If they were a serious hobbiest they will be back. It's just a matter of when.
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Old 05-27-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
We play a fairly major role in the destruction or depletion of ocean ecosystems.

I think you are wrong.
Pollution and runoff from farming, kills off and damages way more than our hobby ever could. The amounts harvested for the aquarium trade pales to the damage done by phosphate laden waters dumped into the oceans from farming and the like.
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