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Old 03-12-2015, 03:19 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Default Frustrated with the tank now what...

My tank is coming up on its 2 year mark and my fish are growing and having a great time but the problem is I cant add more.

Every time I try to buy a new fish and add it, it ends up going into the rock work night 1 or 2 never to be seen again. Yet all my old fish are fine, no fighting, everyone eats and is out at various times.

What can I do?? Should I tear out all the live rock and rework the entire tank then try a new fish?? Do I need to remove someone who might be the silent bully?

I haven't bought new fish in a long time because I know from loosing some over a year ago that its just not worth the risk. But now im starting to slow down on the coral up keep and want more fish.

Stock List is as follows
(72x20x20 tank)

Blue Tang
Yellow Tank
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
6 Line Wrasse
Yellow Tail Damsel
2x False Perc
Banggai Cardinalfish
Coral Beauty
Long Spin Urchin

Any tips would be helpful, I would like to add that the damsel and the 6 line are both great fish who dont seem to bully anyone over food or space from what I can tell and have been part of my tanks for over 4 years now.
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Old 03-12-2015, 02:33 PM
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you could try an acclimation box if you think theres a bully , some fish on that list can be aggressive . 6 line , or the tangs could be the culprit.
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Old 03-12-2015, 02:37 PM
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Whenever I add new fish that get picked on I put a divider in the middle of my tank and keep my current fish on one side and the new fish on the other. After a few days things always seem to be OK. I had a copperband butterfly get picked on almost to death by my tang. Put in a divider for 3 days and when I took it out they were fine. However not everybody's tank is able to be divided. Like it has been said an acclimation box might also work. How big is your tank? That could also be an issue
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Old 03-13-2015, 02:03 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Originally Posted by Slyguy00 View Post
Whenever I add new fish that get picked on I put a divider in the middle of my tank and keep my current fish on one side and the new fish on the other. After a few days things always seem to be OK. I had a copperband butterfly get picked on almost to death by my tang. Put in a divider for 3 days and when I took it out they were fine. However not everybody's tank is able to be divided. Like it has been said an acclimation box might also work. How big is your tank? That could also be an issue

125gal tank, I posted the dimensions

I guess I will need to look for an acclimation box then and maybe try that out. How long should you leave a fish inside the box for?
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Old 03-13-2015, 01:21 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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I've got a similar problem, My coral beauty passed on a month back and I replaced him with a beautiful flame angel.
The problem is my pair of clowns think he's a threat I guess because of his color and drive him crazy, the only good thing is he gives it back as well. I hoping they all get past the aggression, I think it's going to take some time though.
The acclimation box is a great idea but I'll never catch anything with all rock work so I'll just have to let it sort itself out.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.

Last edited by The Guy; 03-13-2015 at 01:24 PM.
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Old 03-13-2015, 02:15 PM
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I've read doing a re-aquascape will blur the territorial lines and start everyone off from scratch. Any way of moving a few things?
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Old 03-13-2015, 02:18 PM
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You could also rearrange the rock work just before adding the new fish to cause the fish to loose their territorial boundaries and force them to create new ones.
I believe Reefkeeping is not a hobby but a way of life It's unfortunate mine is at a stand still!
Building a 135 reef 9 years in the making(seem like I'll never get this 1 together! Too Busy with the Nano and Pico tanks
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Old 03-21-2015, 03:55 AM
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Redoing aquascape works for me, add a second yellow tang and they were fighting at the point that the new one was hiding beyond a rock for a week or 2, I had to target feed the poor guy, so I move everything on my tank and now they swim together all the time,is crazy but that worked for me...
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Old 03-22-2015, 12:33 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Sadly I think I have found the problem...the 6 line has started to be aggressive towards my larger fish, trying to chase them around the tank. I think the tangs find it fun because they seem to play along for a bit but when they are done they turn and stand ground. Seems he may have to go only problem is catching the little bugger...
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