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Old 01-13-2015, 04:51 PM
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Default Fish acclimation

How many of you use something like an acclimation box so that the new fish can be seen but not picked on?

If you do, did you purchase an "acclimation box" or did you diy something?

Do you see it as an essential and highly effective part of new fish additions or do you rather put the fish in and let them sort out the pecking order?
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Old 01-13-2015, 06:33 PM
George George is offline
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An acclimation box is an essential and effective tool for me. The box provides the new fish with an isolated evnironment to be acclimated to the new tank life. Even though all of my fish went through a QT process but it's still a good idea to acclimate them in the DT. They will get used to the light, the feeding schedule, the water chemistry and their new buddies.
The only thing that won't guarantee is the bullying after they are being released out of the acclimation box. I found that fish are smarter than we think. They don't actually try to attack a fish they can't attack. They know they can't get inside the box. So the best I can do is to fatten up the new fish and hope it is strong enough to withstand the bullying. If I find that the bullying is going to cause casualty I scoop up one of the fish (either the one being bullied or the one bullying) and put that one into another tank.
I tried different material for my acclimation box. I tried acrylic first but it is getting coralline algae quick. So the current box is built out of egg-crate.
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Old 01-13-2015, 07:22 PM
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Thanks for the input!
With the egg crate box do you have it hooked over the rim of the tank?
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Old 01-13-2015, 07:26 PM
George George is offline
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yeah...hook over the rim or use a magnet pressing against the glass.
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Old 01-13-2015, 07:32 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Built mine out of egg crate & zap straps. After I cut the zap straps short, then I use a lighter to melt the sharp edges so the fish don't cut themselves. Same procedure with an sharp edges on the egg crate. Rinse off and you're good to go. I found that it worked well cause my fish would get a chance to see, smell, "taste" and otherwise get to know the new fish for several days before being released. This very much cut down on aggression towards the new fish. It sometimes didn't completely eliminate aggression, but I'm sure that it was less. Sometimes though, the old fish would relentlessly attack the box and so I knew I couldn't add that new fish in without starting a war. Better to be able to scoop out the fish from an isolation chamber (my name for it) than have to tear down my display aquascape to catch it out.

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Old 01-13-2015, 07:45 PM
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seriously? you guys use an acclimation box???
~ 210 Gallon mixed reef ~ 37 Gallon Mixed Reef ~ Herbie drains for life!
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