here we go first journal iv done from scrach !
this is going to be extremely simple build no scimmer no sump 4 power heads assorted 10 watt led emitters ruffly 100 ponds live rock an inch to 2 inches of sand
i want a bunch of farly peace full fish clowns cardinals mabie a dwarf angel and a neon dotty ?
i want all types of coral lps sps zoos and mabie some rics ?
il be keeping the salinity at 1.023-1.024 and wont be monitoring all my other levles (like always lol ) im the if the corals are acting wierd i stick my finger in the take for temperature and test salt then do a wc and hope for the best kinda guy hehe
i want a few conches snails and a bunch of hermits i know some people hate them so figured id add that info lol
heres a pic of the tank being resealed (weel start from the begining )
the rocks are masive so il be breaking them up (this was a few weeks ago )
and the tank now
il upload some close ups tomorow yay so exited about this lol another tank hehehehe !!!!