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Old 07-12-2004, 08:28 PM
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Default Snails up the whazoo

After being set up for 2 weeks, it seem my new tank is quite popular among the snails. About 1 week ago I noticed a couple of very small snails on the glass in the morning. I thought they might just be a small species of snail that came with my new live rock. Well they are growing and nothing in my tank is eating them. This morning I counted 45 of them. Looking at their shells develop I'm guessing either turbo or astreas. At lunch today I noticed a couple of the mature astrea snails...well....ummm....having a private moment I guess you would say. (Lots of white stuff.) I think I may have snails for trade in the near future.
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:26 PM
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Unfortunately I doubt that's the case. If it were, we wouldn't all be paying a toonie for a snail anymore. Here are some past discussions. No one seems to know where all the little snails go, or if they're truly baby snails or just hitchhikers, but I can tell you, I don't know of anyone who's snail population increases on its own.

Man, n. ...His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth, and Canada. - A. Bierce, Devil's Dictionary, 1906
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:31 PM
DOO-E DOO-E is offline
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Teevee My LFS has a margarita snail explosion. It is odd
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Old 07-12-2004, 10:49 PM
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Well I don't know when or where the eggs got layed, but I'm very sure these are baby snails. They are quite small but look like minature versions of adult snails. I can clearly see the foot, antenna and shell. Also I can notice the growth of these guys. I don't believe these are hitchhikers as all tank contents are a combination of 2 established tanks. 3/4 the rock in the tank I aquired from another Canreefer and he has had it for quite some time before breaking down his tank for moving and he never had anything like this. Perhaps it was just lucky timing they survived. Perhaps they hit the larval stage when the tanks were merged and the stress and cloudy water kept would be diners away from them.
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:49 PM
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I had the same thing. Hundreds of little snails that looked just like small versions of the adults. They never grew into anything larger, and all have disappeared over time.
Unfortunately any thoughts of going into the "snail business" should be dismissed
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Old 07-13-2004, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
I had the same thing. Hundreds of little snails that looked just like small versions of the adults. They never grew into anything larger, and all have disappeared over time.
Unfortunately any thoughts of going into the "snail business" should be dismissed
Ahhh Gee, I was looking forward to changing my handle to "Snail Pimp"
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Old 07-13-2004, 01:51 AM
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Ya, I thought I was going to be the west coast snail guy, and I did give out a lot of cerith looking snails, but not sure they ever grew. The little astrea looking ones just went nuts for a few months, and then vanished.
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Old 07-13-2004, 02:09 AM
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I have a cerith type snail that came in on my first batch of live rock. They only grow to about half the size of the ceriths that you buy at the store but they breed like rabbits.Also, maybe coincidence, but the population increases dramaticaly when i go through a bout of cyano. At the moment as soon as the lights go out they come up from the sand and take over the tank. Within hours you can barely see through the front glass.
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Old 07-13-2004, 02:22 AM
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I have some self-reproducing cap snails in my tank. I got 3 from a fellow reefer on a frag and now there are tons. They cycle w/ my cleaning schedule. When the coralline hasn't been cleaned for a while there is no film algae for them and thier numbers dwindle. When I keep up with the coraline there is enough film algae on the glass to keep them pretty numerous. They hate light, which is good b/c they don't block my view of the tank during the day. In any case, live propigation of snails is possible, you just need the right broodstock.

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Old 07-13-2004, 04:44 AM
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lol. I see baby snails come and go but one day out of the blue I saw this huge snail. Now I know I didn't buy him so he must of come on the live rock 2 years earlier. I paniced at first cause he was huge and very different from anything else I had in my tank. He moved very fast and only stayed in the shadows. I later found out it was a cats eye. (turbo petholatus). Cool looking snail. Unfortuneatly he has dissapeard. This is truly an amazing hobbie. I wonder what I'll see next. Best Regards... :0)
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