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Old 09-02-2013, 02:51 AM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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Default Aysha's 25 gallon cube

Welp, I've returned to the darkside.
My husband got a new fluval studio, so I kidnapped this.
(photo is borrowed)

I've been toying with the idea of another salt tank for awhile and as soon as this guy was empty of its planted tank beauty I started plotting to fill it with a little slice of ocean.

I'm still shopping for a few parts but here's what I've got so far
for the most part I built this out of parts I had lying around


mine is the original solana so it is 9 gallons smaller than the one on the website.
Hagen glo t5 (to be replaced with a kessil A 150 W LED)
No name Protein skimmer that came with the solana I will replace it with a 9002

I've learned a lot and taken some time away from reefing to really think about where I want to go with fish keeping This new build is gonna be AWESOME!

I am going to look at a shutdown tomorrow so I will let y'all know what I come home with!

ALSO! I need help.
The glass top is resting on plastic bits similar to a fluval EBI or FLORA
THEY WICK WATER!!!!! how do I fix/avoid this
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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Old 09-02-2013, 04:09 AM
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Go Topless!

I should have thought that through before typing it.. but ya.. That's my advise!
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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Old 09-02-2013, 04:43 AM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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An excellent idea and one my husband would surly approve of...just one problem them little fish are jumpers.
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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Old 09-02-2013, 05:20 AM
Switch Blade Switch Blade is offline
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could get nets or white eggcrate at homedepot
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Old 09-02-2013, 05:32 AM
chi chi is offline
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I wonder if you can use aquapel on would keep it nice and clear and help with the evaporation. Not very practical though...
I would agree with the egg crates. Spray paint it black though. White is going to annoy the heck out of you. I used rustoleum universal black spray paint. Matte on PVC plumbing inside a nano tank with no ill effects for a year.

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Old 09-02-2013, 05:45 PM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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I may just bring some black egg-crate back from Seattle next month.
I'd like to run it with the glass lid but I also don't want salt gunge all over my tank from those dang plastic tabs!!

I have no idea what I am putting in here yet but I found my 6 stage RODI unit!
This is exciting!
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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Old 09-07-2013, 03:02 AM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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So! I'm about to start painting the stand!
My Kessil arrived today *drool* I've got a bag of oolite, and a bucket of salt! Live rock is coming on the weekend, funny enough it's the same huge piece I sold to my friend haha!
We're almost ready to rock!
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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Old 09-08-2013, 08:19 PM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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The story so far..

The stand has been painted black but I have yet to add the door on.
What is it with me and doorless stands?

I've purchased a new refractometer and a new heater. I decided I wanted another one of these... because I am a spoiled brat. I bought the 100 watt.

I have
a small Koralia powerhead
Fluval E series heater 100 watt
Hydor slim skim
1 small bucket of h2ocean salt
1 kessil a150 in ocean blue
bag 0' sand
vertex refractometer

I have rock coming in the next few days. My tank that I was going to piece together over a "few months" kind of came together in under a week...

I am looking at the new tunze NANO osmolator thoughts?
I had the original osmolator before but this one happens to be 100 dollars less and rated for a smaller tank is all.
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There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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Old 09-13-2013, 01:12 AM
Aysha Aysha is offline
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So I got my rock in on Tuesday!
I was THRILLED to see that the first frags I ever bought were alive and well growing on the LR that a friend retrieved for me

The tank is beautiful.

Today I went to Steves,

So in my I am so excited to be back mood I bought a box of stuff.
it is being held until all my levels are 100 percent stable.

Here's what I got today, Simple stuff.

Rock anenome
clump of neon clove polyps (I know this stuff gets into everything)
quarter sized amount of gsp
8 headed candy cane coral

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There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’

Last edited by Aysha; 09-13-2013 at 01:14 AM. Reason: don't like attached photos
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