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Old 07-18-2013, 03:44 AM
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Default Help dosing Brightwell Magnesion-p

Current mag is at 1200ppm, I've been dosing the maximum rate noted on the label (26ppm per day) however after 2 weeks (not every night) the level has remained the same... I spoke with someone at the LFS today and he mentioned i could raise the mag by 100 ppm per day (also suggested by another forum member) and that i could make a stock solution with 12 ounces of water and add "X"-number of grams of the Brightwell Magnesion-P (powder)

I've calculated water volume to be approx 48 gallons (taking into account sump, LR, etc...)

Desired level is around 1350ppm

My calculations tell me that i need to add 62.4 grams (this number doesn't sound like the same number the LFS gave me earlier... i thought he said something like 12 ounces or 1.2 ounces???)

Can someone with experience or time please help me figure out if this is accurate?


Link to product page...
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Old 07-18-2013, 04:51 AM
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It actually takes alot of mag to raise in a tank. I found best way for me was to bring up with nsw and then dose after
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Old 07-18-2013, 05:03 AM
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The amount of Mag that you mention for your 'total' dose is what you would add over a period of time
Without raising your Mag by 100ppm per day, decide how much you will add each day

You mention 62.4g
This will raise your Mag to your desired level, but you want to do it over time, without raising your level more than 100ppm/day

Test, dose, test .....
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Old 07-18-2013, 06:44 AM
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Thanks for the replies!
Where do you live Titus? I'll take a jar out in my boat tomorrow and bring some home to test for levels (that's if you're talking natural sea water?) I wonder what the salinity is locally with the number of rivers in the Vancouver area and with the extra volume coming out of the Fraser river due to Freshet...

I just made a jar with 62.4g of magnesion and added 18oz of RO water from superstore (it got pretty warm) also created a cake on the bottom which I had to break up.

Greg, when you say over time, is 2 days ok @ 3 doses of 3oz of solution per day? I would add it to the return pump section of the sump
That would be 25ppm per dose totalling 75ppm per day. I could test with a kit between.

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Old 07-18-2013, 11:49 AM
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I live in Alberta.

Nsw I should have wrote it out

New salt water as in water changes. But that's my opinion. You can dose to bring up levels. I just like to do water changed

The water in van is completely different from water in the reefs. Won't do you much good
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Old 07-20-2013, 03:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Vancity View Post
Greg, when you say over time, is 2 days ok @ 3 doses of 3oz of solution per day? I would add it to the return pump section of the sump
That would be 25ppm per dose totalling 75ppm per day. I could test with a kit between.Cheers
Sorry for the late reply ... been busy
And sorry for my messy post, I should have cleaned it up before posting it

I hope you're doing well with your dosing

Ya, 75ppm/day is awesome
Up to 100 is acceptable ( as I mentioned more than once and wish I'd made it more easy to read )

So, how are things doing with the dosing now ?
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Old 07-20-2013, 08:53 AM
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Things went well thanks! After 2 days of dosing 31 grams/day which should have raised it to 1350, it ended up at 1320 which is just fine with me.
I'm only dosing because I slacked on changes (new LED lighting caused an encrusting sps to grow like a weed) my Mag was low as well as Cal at 360 hence the need to dose.

Next step Is calcium, shooting for around 420

10% water change earlier today and again by next weekend

And Greg, lol, I thought that sounded weird... Thanks to google it told me NSW was the real deal
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Old 07-20-2013, 08:05 PM
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Actually that was Nick talking about nsw

He was referring to 'new salt water' (water change), not 'natural sea water'
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