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Old 02-19-2013, 07:05 AM
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Default 25g stock discussion help

so i have my custom drop off tank on the go ish and im trying to plan my stock more efficient. So far i have my cirrent clowns and yellow watchmen/green pistol pair.

I want to have cleaners to keep food and stuff clean so im going towards just blue and red leg hermits with some banded turbo snails. otherwise im not sure what else cuz id like to have something to help keep bristle worm size/population in control cuz i see i have lots in my tank and some pretty big and they sure arent a "sexy' think to see haha?

i will have a maxi mini nem and might get another so a sexy shrimp or 2 to host them.

I want another blenny as mine randomly died over night :/ or what else would be effective at chomping at rocks for algae? had crabs in mind but heard they can be the devil and take out fish so ive been sketch about getting any! starfish i dont think are an option cuz i want sponge coral and been told they love to eat sponge!

SO general idea is to keep a clown pair, blenny for algae control, hermits and snails for algae and extra food control, pistol and watchmen kind of act like sand sifters.

so cleaner shrimps? only cleaning option or i was thinking of 2 neon gobies

long spine cardinals for aw! cuz i never seen any and would be active swimmers and maybe a royal gramma.

so post up and let me know what you guys think. tank will be softies and lps but SOME sps too.
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Old 02-22-2013, 06:28 AM
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Anyone. Maybe?
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Old 02-22-2013, 06:37 AM
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If you want hermits; get "true" scarlet hermits (not the typical maxican red legged one; these have solid red (no dots) with yellow eyes). Although a bit lazy but they are simply awesome! They even eat bryopsis which is a BIG BIG plus. And the least aggressive among hermits.

Snails, I would say astreas do a great work. Maxican turbos are lawnmowers are they can get pretty big. Mine also likes bryopsis.

Royal grammas are cool; don't put in any dottybacks!

Non of the fishes you have in mind will allow cleaners to go near them. But having them is fun; great personality

I hate urchins so my opinion would be biased: don't get them! No reason or anything! JUST don't get them!

Originally Posted by 91Atrac View Post
so i have my custom drop off tank on the go ish and im trying to plan my stock more efficient. So far i have my cirrent clowns and yellow watchmen/green pistol pair.

I want to have cleaners to keep food and stuff clean so im going towards just blue and red leg hermits with some banded turbo snails. otherwise im not sure what else cuz id like to have something to help keep bristle worm size/population in control cuz i see i have lots in my tank and some pretty big and they sure arent a "sexy' think to see haha?

i will have a maxi mini nem and might get another so a sexy shrimp or 2 to host them.

I want another blenny as mine randomly died over night :/ or what else would be effective at chomping at rocks for algae? had crabs in mind but heard they can be the devil and take out fish so ive been sketch about getting any! starfish i dont think are an option cuz i want sponge coral and been told they love to eat sponge!

SO general idea is to keep a clown pair, blenny for algae control, hermits and snails for algae and extra food control, pistol and watchmen kind of act like sand sifters.

so cleaner shrimps? only cleaning option or i was thinking of 2 neon gobies

long spine cardinals for aw! cuz i never seen any and would be active swimmers and maybe a royal gramma.

so post up and let me know what you guys think. tank will be softies and lps but SOME sps too.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 02-22-2013, 06:45 AM
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How new is the tank? Is it cycled 100%?

Might have put the wagon before the horse if it's not cycled and want to throw stock in the tank. Since a fish has already randomly died, suggest to just have a CUC for now (unless the tank is 100% cycled and stabilized) and not much else.

I have a 6gal nano cycling atm with liverock and it's doing quite well. So your stock list kinda looks similar to what I'd throw in mine. One nano fish I'd like to pickup when the tank is ready would be a Barnacle Blenny among some other CUC critters.
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Old 02-22-2013, 06:51 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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One word of advice: Just because you have space, doesn't mean you have to fill it all. A lower bioload can go a long way to keeping a successful tank, especially in the under 30g category. This mostly applies to fish.

Tailspot blennies are super awesome, as are Midas... though I'm not sure your tank would give enough space for a midas. Do some reading.

I echo the scarlet hermits. They're champs. I would nix the turbos. I always wished they had bigger mouths so that I would have something to punch every time they bulldozed my frags and popped corals off the rocks. I'd go with a strawberry top snail over the turbos any day.

Get a conch for your sand. It will quickly become your favourite critter.

Make a bit of a cave on your drop off face and get some overhang loving fish like blue or yellow assessors (they swim upside down!) or a royal or black cap gramma. You'll get more natural behaviours out of these fish with the right aquascape.

Stay away from any fish that needs a lot of swimming space as you don't really have it.

Wrasses stick to the rocks and some will mow down on your bristle worms. Read up on them.

Cleaner shrimp won't do much cleaning (they get lazy over time because they eat the food you feed the tank) but are super awesome. Get a pair and they'll have babies regularly. They also love overhangs and caves!
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Old 02-22-2013, 09:34 PM
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So tank isn't cycled or cycling yet. I'm just getting feedback before I do start. I have searched a lot of fish and stuff so that's why I kind of stuck with what I've listed.

The random death was from my current tank so that's why I was lost as to why it did that.

Also just wanted to see what everyone thought and I do know the benefits of low stocked tank but just wanna see if I can have a fish for there own job.

Sounds like true Scarlett's are what ill be going with tho over blue legs. Will they grow aggressive as they age.. Heard blue legs do so that's why I asked what one will do best. This is gonna be a front tank to my futur plans in the hobby so it will be up for awhile once its up and running.
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Old 02-22-2013, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by 91Atrac View Post
So tank isn't cycled or cycling yet. I'm just getting feedback before I do start. I have searched a lot of fish and stuff so that's why I kind of stuck with what I've listed.

The random death was from my current tank so that's why I was lost as to why it did that.

Also just wanted to see what everyone thought and I do know the benefits of low stocked tank but just wanna see if I can have a fish for there own job.

Sounds like true Scarlett's are what ill be going with tho over blue legs. Will they grow aggressive as they age.. Heard blue legs do so that's why I asked what one will do best. This is gonna be a front tank to my futur plans in the hobby so it will be up for awhile once its up and running.
Scarlets are considered to be the least aggressive among the hermits. Its hermits nature to hijack shells if they can't find any free ones but scarlets seems to be like "mr. snail may I have your shell" instead of blue's "hey you, that's my shell!"

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 02-24-2013, 08:38 AM
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Haha!! Nice way of explaining the attitude difference between the 2 hermits. Scarlett's are a lot more wicked in colouring as well.
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Old 04-18-2013, 06:16 PM
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One word of advice, which i learn the 'hard way' is only add cleaners moderately and as NEEDED. Meaning if your tank is new then don't add too much or none at all. If there is no algae present don't stock up on hermits/snails. I was excited just like you are right now, when my tank is 'newer' and not much algae or issues. So I went out and bought snails and a lot of hermits. 1.5 mths later half the hermits are dead, snails are still good. I don't over feed my tank to feed hermits. Some people do but then I think in Nano tanks it does worse than good as nitrates/phosphates will go crazy. Ironically, you overfeed your tank to feed your cleaners, but at the same time it raises the phosphate level, which in turn leads to an outbreak of algae. So they starve or kill others for food. There wasn't enough algae to keep both the snails and hermits alive.

As for 'fish' for a purpose, honestly the only real 'purpose' for a fish is algae eating fish, but then if you got hermits/snails then I wouldn't stress too much on that. Buy the fish your tank can keep and you are happy with (ie. behavior of the fish, color/shape of the fish) and not because it can eat algae etc..

Also when you say 'cleaner' do you mean ich? There isn't anything out there that really eats ich. Cleaner shrimps are awesome, but they 'clean' fish of dead tissue not because of ich. Cleaner wrasse are documented that they don't eat / kill ich but once again just eat dead tissue. Also they usually starve in a tank unless they are willing to eat frozen foods as dead tissues/copepods are their main source of food. Lastly neon gobies are just not my cup of tea.

Yes, don't get urchins. I don't like them either, they get big and they knock down everything. Unless your rocks/corals are glued down 100% then you will have issues. Just goes the same for sea stars, they move the sand, which means at the same time move the corals on your sand bed.
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Old 04-18-2013, 08:25 PM
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i'm not a big fan of hermits and snails, they always seem to mess up corals and when you don't have the right amount (ie too many) or if hermits get hungry and start eating snails then you have unwanted waste. Of course this is my opinion, in my 25g i have 1 nassarius and 1 blue hermit.

As for fish stocking a blenny would be a great choice. I have a tsb and he is great! takes care of different algae - not sure if a blenny would have any problems with a watchman but definitely a great fish

my 25g has 2 clowns, tsb, royal gramma, 2 chromis
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