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Old 03-11-2012, 10:18 PM's Avatar is offline
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Default tank remodeling,sump question? (last page)

Well the time has come for me to do upgrade and do some remodeling to my fish room
Here are some photos of what I have running now,I am going to try and finish all upgrades by next weekend.
at the moment I have a 180glns in-wall and approx 230glns consisting of a frag tank and a couple sumps witch all tanks are tied together.
For next week hoping will have the original180 and adding 240,100,60 and a 40glns running all together.
Here are some photos of the wall prior to...
Left side

Right side of the wall

Left side again with the door open to the fish room

Frag tank into fish room

The 100 glns sump

The 60 glns frag tank

Last edited by; 03-25-2012 at 03:50 AM.
Old 03-11-2012, 10:19 PM's Avatar is offline
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More photos to be added for every step I take
This upgrade is to facilitate bringing in more coral shipments and it would make my wall look more full.

Last edited by; 03-11-2012 at 10:21 PM.
Old 03-11-2012, 11:32 PM
riceboy riceboy is offline
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Wow Eli are u going to be doing anything about the added water that looks to be about 620 gallons are u afraid of the evap and moisture in the house, especially during the winter?
Old 03-12-2012, 01:27 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by riceboy View Post
Wow Eli are u going to be doing anything about the added water that looks to be about 620 gallons are u afraid of the evap and moisture in the house, especially during the winter?
The tanks will be insulated behind the fish room that will have its own draw of air and exhaust from outside in the hopes that will fix any moisture and heat buildup.
Old 03-12-2012, 04:49 AM's Avatar is offline
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A question to those used Spa-flex.should the 1.5" spa flex it tight like a PVC on any fitting or should it be loose and use some kind of transition fittings.Because seems like mine fit loosely in the fitting and I bought this product G941HT… SPA FLEX from
and the specs says 1.5" spa-flex with ID 1.65 AND od 1.90
Old 03-12-2012, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by View Post
A question to those used Spa-flex.should the 1.5" spa flex it tight like a PVC on any fitting or should it be loose and use some kind of transition fittings.Because seems like mine fit loosely in the fitting and I bought this product G941HT… SPA FLEX from
and the specs says 1.5" spa-flex with ID 1.65 AND od 1.90

I searched on G941HT on that site and came up with this:"G941HT"

... which I have to say looks like some kind of rubber? That's not spa flex. Spa flex is, literally, flexible PVC pipe. You use PVC cement same as like for rigid PVC (you can use regular PVC cement but the flex PVC cement is clear because it has a little bit of give to it) and yeah the fittings are ordinarily a pretty tight fit (same as rigid PVC would be - it's the same fittings).
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Old 03-12-2012, 05:44 AM's Avatar is offline
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this is the information on the product I bought as it is on the bottom of the spec sheet
Spa Flex Hose is designed to replace PVC pipe on Hot Tubs
and Spas. G941HT has the IAPMO plumbing safety approval
and uses the same external glue-on schedule 40 fittings
as rigid pipe but is much easier to install. Hose will bend
without heating and will follow the curves and corners on
a spa without having to use elbows. Spa Flex is ordered
by nominal pipe size.
Construction: Cream coloured, flexible PVC, embedded with a
rigid PVC helix.
Interior: Flexible PVC, smooth for unrestricted flow.
Exterior: Smooth, cream coloured, weather resistant PVC.
Temperature Range: -20°C (- 4°F) to 65°C (150°F).
Note: Please use a PVC-to-Flex cement for attaching PVC fittings
to hose. Suitable cements include:
– Permalite Plastic #VIC 504
– Uniflex Pipe Cement
– United Elchen 6700 Series PVC to Flex
– Weld-On #795 PVC/Flex.
And these are the specs I asked for
size 11/2" model # G941HT-150 I.D. 1.65" O.D. 1.90"
And by measuring the ID and OD of what I bought I think they gave me the wrong size as it measures to the same specs as the 11/4" spaflex
Back to the store tomorrow to replace the size
Old 03-12-2012, 07:55 PM
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Elias, that G941HT is the correct stuff. It is normal for it to seem sloppy after it cures. This is why it works so well.
Make sure you hold it in place for a few minutes while it starts to cure as it can slip apart much easier than rigid pvc.
Not sure what cement you plan on using, but anyone I talked to recommended Weld-On 795 and it worked well for me.
Old 03-12-2012, 08:23 PM
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I bought mine from Western Pump. I just asked for 3/4" and 1" spa flex. It was very tight when I tried to put it in the the fittings dry. Once the glue is on, it goes in a little easier. I was told not to use primer so I didn't and no leaks so far.
Old 03-12-2012, 08:34 PM
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The stuff in the catalog looks like standard spa flex to me but I don't recall it being sloppy within fittings, it's actually very hard to dry fit, needs glue to slide in as others have said.

Sounds like you're correct in your assumption, if it measures the same as 1-1/4" spa flex then that's probably what it is.

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