So I bought a pair of leopard wrasse the other day and once they were in the tank, my squibbled rabitfish went nuts. Its never showed any type of aggression to my other wrasses that I added after it but for some reason it didn't like the larger of the 2 leopards and kept darting after it. After about an hour of rearranging some rock, I finally caught the rabitfish and placed it in my sump 2 days ago so that I could bring it back to the lfs. I went to feed it yesterday and it was no where to be seen, I thought it was just hiding so I went on with my day. This morning I went to bag it and it has vanished. Not under the pump, not under the skimmer, not in the bubble break or in the refugium. It was over 4.5" long so its not like its easy to miss. I looked around the sump to see if it had become like mike and jumped over 6" to its demise but nothing to be found. There are no scavengers in the sump other than the 2 hermits in the refugium and no skeleton to speak of. Its like it went all David Copperfield and simply vanished. Wtf?