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Old 07-04-2012, 03:29 PM
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acanthastrea freak
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Default Marine Velvet, I can't believe its happening to me.

Well I was hoping it wasnt ick, However since last week in my RSM 250 i have lost
10 yr old kole tang
pair of manderins
Labouti wrasse the male
Algae blenny
Midas Blenny
Male Bangii Cardinal.

my 3 Clowns all have it along with the female labouti wrasse

My mystery wrasse, prawn goby,leopard wrasse, dart fish, yellow wrasse does not have any signs. i have been hitting the tank with ick the temp is 78 -79. I know that my temp, i had a couple days where it was at79- 82 in a swing. I'm really hoping that it isnt from that. other then that I have been coming home to dead fish or wasking up in the morning to a fish that has recently passed away.

I'm really not liking seeing my babies that i had in my 240 go from that and now its like I have been killing them. My 10 yr old Kole who i still can't bare to talk about and my Algae Blenny who would jump into my hand and eat too. When ever the handwas in the tank the blenny would nibble on my hand and fingers looking for food. I'm really starting to think sell off all the corals and call it a day and take a break from it all. these smallertanks and having htem upstairs is killing me without a chiller and a OZONE. I guess t hat i have been spoiled all these years with the larger tanks.

Sorry just needed to vent here at work. My family is also very sad where all the fish have been dyiong. Each one has there own fish who they feed and play with.

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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