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Old 06-26-2012, 02:20 AM
bluesox68 bluesox68 is offline
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Default Got a PhosBan reactor! What can I expect?

Ok so with the great advice from this forum I decided to grab the Two little fishes Phosbane reactor and its all set up with phosban media. Other then dropping my PH can I expect anything else? Also how long before I replace the media? I do have unopened carbon can I mix the 2 down the road?

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Old 06-26-2012, 04:00 AM
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I didn't notice any changes besides the reduction in phosphates. You can't mix the two medias as they require different flow through them.
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:28 AM
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As subman stated, if you are planning on running both phosphate remover and carbon, you will need 2 reactors
You can run them in series with 1 pump, but it's easier to run them parallel with 2 separate pumps

As far as lowering your pH goes, it may happen, and you need to keep an eye on your Alk and Ca during this time to see how your tank settles into it's "balance"

Don't go all crazy adding additives until you've read lots about it and how to keep it stable

Want some reading to learn what affects pH ?

Here, Myka explains some of the basics, etc
This article further explains it, with some charts that make easy to visually understand things
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Old 06-26-2012, 03:34 PM
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I ran both in same reactor. Layer of carbon......gfo.....then more carbon. I believe others here do the same as thats where I got the idea. I ran a slow flow rate through it.

One so called problem with the combination, is the gfo usually last longer than the carbon, thus requires less replacement. I just a small amount of gfo everytime.

Never seen much of a ph drop. As mentioned keep an eye on your alk if using lots of gfo as it can lower the alkalinity.

Should mention, like several others, I just run my carbon and gfo in separate filter bags in the sump or powerfilter if no sump. Found it a pita to change media in the reactors.
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:10 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Be careful not to use too much GFO off the bat. I made the mistake of using as much High Capacity GFO as I did regular GFO (missed the whole HC-GFO on the package... oops) and dropped levels too fast. Took out one of my big SPS colonies and damn near took out my centerpiece green milli.

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Old 06-26-2012, 04:29 PM
bluesox68 bluesox68 is offline
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Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately I used the whole container so about 4" and Im not sure how I would take it out? The instructions do say a minimum of 3" so hopefully I'm ok
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:31 PM
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You can run both, but put the carbon on top separated by a sponge and leave enough room between the gfo and carbon for the gfo to tumble a bit.
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:53 PM
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I have ran both in the same reactor without any issues. Two main reasons most of us use different reactor is so that first, we can set different flow rate since carbon should be set at a lower flowrate and GFO should have enough flow to so it tumbles. Secondly the exhaust rate on them are both different, some say GFO can last up to 3 month and carbon should be replaced monthly. I change out monthly for both so its always consistent.
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