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Old 03-07-2012, 05:00 PM
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Unhappy Bragg Creek and area, beautiful heathy fish and more

Due to circumstances in life, I sadly need to shut my tank down. I have beautiful strong and healthy fish. My prices are high, due to these fish being with me a minimum of four years. I grew them all out from babies, and some are from previous tank shut downs. I DO NOT want these fish going to people that have new tanks or small tanks, or just want cheap cool fish. The guys are my pets and I love them very dearly. This is very difficult for me to be doing in the first place

ACHILLES TANG Seven inches long, been with me just shy of four years. Was a baby when I got him. Eats pretty much everything, but loves nori, and frozen foods, but picks at pellets. If you feed only pellets, do not consider this fish please. This guy was a little 3" baby when I brought him home, and is one of my favorites $225

NASO TANGSeven inch female, has been with me over four years and will only eat nori. I have tried to get her to eat other things, but she strictly eats nori. $100

Purple Tang 7-8 inches long, been with me over five years. Eats everything $100

Sailfin tang 7-8 inches long. Been with me over four years and was tiny when I got her, eats everything $100

Banana wrasse Male 10-12 inches long. This guy will eat your crabs, shrimp and whatever else is alive and small in your tank. He is total jerk and picks on small fish. He does not care about corals, BUT if you have acro crabs he will tear your corals apart trying to get to them. As much as he is a jerk, he is an amazingly beautiful fish, and never stops swimming. He really adds life to the tank. $100

Dogface puffer 7-8 inches long. Great fish, but will wipe out any sort of soft coral you might have and mushrooms. She is only for a FOWLR tank. Eats everything and I mean everything. $75

Regal Angel 5-6 inches long. This guy eats everything. Very easy keeper, unlike what people say about them. Been with me for four years, was tiny when I got him. $100

Eclipse hogfish5 inches long, been with me over four years. Very pretty fish and peaceful. $75

Maroon clownfish 4 inches long, been with me forever. $60

Marine betta4-5 inches long. Been with me forever and is so peaceful and beautiful. $60

Snowflake moray 12-14 inches long. Good eater and actually is viewable. Does not hide behind rocks in places you can't see him. I do not need to target feed. I just put his food at the bottom of the tank and he comes and gets it. $40

BIG snowflake moray20-22" long. This guy comes out a lot and does not need to be target fed. His body is about the size of a garden hose. He is quite large and LOVES to eat a lot. $75

FREE convict damsel fish, ancient guy about 13 years old. Will throw in five pounds of live rock if you take him.

I am well aware that my prices seem to be high and "so and so" might be selling the same fish for cheaper. HOWEVER these fish have ben with me for years, and are accustomed to tank life. They are pretty risk free, if you know what you are doing. I would be beside myself if someone bought one of these fish and killed it. These guys reside in a 265 gallon tank that is seven feet wide. Most of them need their space, depending on what kind of fish you want. My Achilles needs a BIG tank with lots of flow and powerheads to play in.

These fish know and trust me and I can hand feed most of them or even have them swim around my hands so I can touch them.

Just PM me and ask for my email and I can send you photos of the fish. Once they are gone, everything else can go. Please no low ballers or people that don't have a well established tank. I WILL creep your posts. I want good homes for these fish and want to ensure they live a long healthy life. These fish are mostly quite large, so if you want to purchase one or more, ensure you have proper ways to bring it home.

Last edited by christyf5; 03-07-2012 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 03-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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OMG, i wish i have my basement tank set up so i can buy that ACHILLES TANG. Great price. Sorry to hear you have to shut down your tank.
155 gallon bow front
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:10 PM
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Bouncing up again... my internet has been down for the last few days.
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:26 PM
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Man I wish I could take that Regal Angel. I'd even pay to get it here if there was a way to ship it comfortably.
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Jaws View Post
Man I wish I could take that Regal Angel. I'd even pay to get it here if there was a way to ship it comfortably.
Sorry it is not even a consideration... good choice on the fish though. He is awesome, mind you all of them are...
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Old 03-14-2012, 12:55 AM
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Only fish left available are the following

Achilles tang
Snowflake moray eels
Naso tang
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Old 03-14-2012, 03:51 AM
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Wow no one has took doofus junior Marie there you go doofus and doofus junior what a pair
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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