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Old 08-14-2012, 05:42 AM
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Default Concerning the new Buy/Sell posting format

Hey all,

I've not been a member here very long, but I'm sure I love this website as much as the next member.
When policies are made, I'm sure they are introduced either with everyone's best interests in mind, or to protect either the vendors/sponsors, the members, or the website itself.

This new posting format that has us selecting a prefix is an issue for me.
I have nothing against using it, but find it has made it harder to read through postings.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has noticed this.

When I select 'New Posts', many look as if I've already read them, due to this new setup.
This not only makes it harder to scan through threads I've read, but the length of the titles is counter-productive, at least from a 'scan through' prospective.

I could speculate, and say this new plan is the result of complaints from sponsors, due to the volume of private sales, but that's just my personal thought.
I'm sure there is a valid reason as the 'site' is a business.

I'm only asking for your opinion on this new format and, if you don't like it, speak up.

I'm sure Titus has a solid reason for implementing this new format, but there must be a better, more member-friendly way to do so.
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Old 08-14-2012, 06:07 AM
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Opinions? My OCD has gone into overdrive
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Old 08-14-2012, 06:56 AM
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Glad to hear I'm not alone ....
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:12 AM
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The concept is understandable, but the layout is confusing... Especially with some of them being linked and some not (I think it looks better unlinked). But I'm also fearful for my account... So, I'll stop there.
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:16 AM
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Originally Posted by waynemah View Post
The concept is understandable, but the layout is confusing... Especially with some of them being linked and some not (I think it looks better unlinked). But I'm also fearful for my account... So, I'll stop there.
Don't be afraid to say your piece ...
Your voice is necessary
You're not going to get banned for having a say
After all, us members are what drive this site ...

Sure, the sponsors pay for it, but we members are what keep the sponsors 'sponsoring' ( if that word isn't in Websters, it should be )

Just politely say what you want to say ....

Last edited by gregzz4; 08-14-2012 at 07:22 AM.
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:30 AM
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I'm not looking for a revolt here, people

If you don't like it, here's your chance to say so

If you're OK with it, then let it go
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Don't be afraid to say your piece ...
You're not going to get banned for having a say
After all, us members are what drive this site ...

Sure, the sponsors pay for it, but we members are what keep the sponsors 'sponsoring' ( if that word isn't in Websters, it should be )

Just politely say what you want to say ....
Sure, why not...

I've spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars at most of the sponsors on this site. I'm sure other members are in the same boat. In exchange for supporting these vendors, it would be nice to have a clean worry free buy/sell page where I can sell off unwanted products/frags without having the worry of breaking rules and following confusing grey area regulations. As you said, it's us members who drive this site... It seems as though this concept was lost in the implementation. /rant

I would be happy if the rules were clearly displayed on the main page of the buy/sell section and use this functionality for a clearer understanding of what the person is trying to do with their post. Having a drop down for "For Sale", "Group Buy", "Want to buy" without a link to rules would be clean and useful.
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by waynemah View Post
Sure, why not...

I've spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars at most of the sponsors on this site. I'm sure other members are in the same boat. In exchange for supporting these vendors, it would be nice to have a clean worry free buy/sell page where I can sell off unwanted products/frags without having the worry of breaking rules and following confusing grey area regulations. As you said, it's us members who drive this site... It seems as though this concept was lost in the implementation. /rant

I would be happy if the rules were clearly displayed on the main page of the buy/sell section and use this functionality for a clearer understanding of what the person is trying to do with their post. Having a drop down for "For Sale", "Group Buy", "Want to buy" without a link to rules would be clean and useful.
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Old 08-14-2012, 01:00 PM
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It's overly wordy. I really don't need a EULA to reef keep. If there was just FS, FT, FF, LF, etc. That'd be perfect, otherwise I have to brush up on my legalese every time I post, which means I'll likely not bother.
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Old 08-14-2012, 01:00 PM
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Yup, I find the new format extremely annoying. Just harder to read and seperate through posts (The opposite of what it is intended to do). And the wording is kinda funny too (eg. "one off sale of personal items"). Sounds funny to me lol.

Maybe simple acronyms like most other forums would work? They don't need to be links either.

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