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Old 03-21-2011, 12:39 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Default Building Custom Tank...

Is i worth the headaches or not ??
I have a nice design that I have been thinking about a while now, quite simple as i want to use the whole back pane as a large overflow box.
The rear pane would be privacy glass along with the overflow.

Overall dimension would be similar to standard 90 Gallon, but taller ( so approximate tank dimensions would be 48" x 30" x 30" ) plus the 6" wide overflow a the back that would be 15" deep, split into 3 compartments and have 6 holes drilled in it...
2 x 2" drains ( one for sump and one for closed loop ), 2 x 1.5" feed from closed loop and 2 x 1.5" feeds from sump
The separation would be for my closed loop feeds, that would act as reactors for whatever i may want to "bag" and drop into the cavity. main compartment would have durso style drains and would be filled with aragonite. Tank floor would have at least a 2.5" live sand bed with roughly 100lbs of rock. Lighting would consist of 2 x 150W metal halides.

The sump would be 40" x 24" x 24" and broken up into 3 compartments as well. Compartment i would house the skimmer and the filter socks second compartment would be the refuge, and third would be filled with live rock rubble and would have 2 feed holes for 2 separate pumps that would feed the main tank.

Need some constructive criticism
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Old 03-21-2011, 12:58 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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its easy enough to do but if your drilling the holes your self im not sure how easy it is to drill 6 holes in a 30" span?? could be easy as hell im not sure but worth checkin out.

also at 30" your glass would have to be on the thick side not sure if 12mm would do or not??

the 150 halides may not be as strong as you like if yu plan to keep any sps in there or high demanding corals...... depends on what yor keeping i guess

i just built my own cube and drilled it for a herbie style over flow and i gotta say these are ultra ultra quiet and no bubbles what so ever much much better than a durso.
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Old 03-21-2011, 04:20 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Thanks for the input...
im not planning on any SPS corrals as im more of a polyp / softie fan and even if i do add SPS i will make sure they are going to be placed accordingly in the tank that they get enough light.

As far as the holes go...
It's a 48" x 6" strip so 6 holes shouldn't be an issue as the return from the closed loop will be exactly 6" x 6" x 15" ( 15" being the height of the overflow box ).

I will get busy with sketch up and post a drawing tomorrow....
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Old 03-21-2011, 04:29 AM
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Instead of using privacy glass for the OF I would use acrylic, then you could cut some slotted holes in it to hide a couple power heads in the OF box. It would also be easier to cut slots in the acrylic for water flow into OF. Are you planning to build yourself or have a builder do it?
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:00 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Instead of using privacy glass for the OF I would use acrylic, then you could cut some slotted holes in it to hide a couple power heads in the OF box. It would also be easier to cut slots in the acrylic for water flow into OF. Are you planning to build yourself or have a builder do it?
I know i can do it myself, but thinking of getting someone else to build it for me. I could probably get the glass cut and have it polished and assemble it myself, probably the same for the sump. I don't think the glass would be over $250
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:05 AM
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Well if your interested and want to get the glass I could put it together in the shop, building a few ATM myself. Even have a full sheet of 3/16" black acrylic and some GE SCS 1200 black silicone.
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:18 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Well if your interested and want to get the glass I could put it together in the shop, building a few ATM myself. Even have a full sheet of 3/16" black acrylic and some GE SCS 1200 black silicone.
That is very tempting and also gives me more ideas
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:25 AM
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:29 AM
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Right back at 'cha...
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