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Old 10-28-2010, 12:44 AM
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Default Multiple/mixing butterflies

Just wondering what everyone thoughts on this....just trying to pick out fish for my 90G FOWLR

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Old 10-28-2010, 08:28 AM
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It really depends on which ones you're thinking of.

Some may cross hybridise in the wild, others could be aggressive towards conspecifics.

Size also matters sometimes. 2 different species of butterfly may liver happily together if they are similar size but if one is much smaller it may get harrassed to death.

Probably best to give a list of the ones you're thinking of & then people with experience of the could chime in.

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Old 10-28-2010, 12:00 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
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I had no problems other than normal fish only tanks with a Raccoon, Auriga, Pakistani, Longnose, and an red tailed checked (actually the tail was orange) in a 90.
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Old 10-28-2010, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by VFX View Post
It really depends on which ones you're thinking of.

Some may cross hybridise in the wild, others could be aggressive towards conspecifics.

Size also matters sometimes. 2 different species of butterfly may liver happily together if they are similar size but if one is much smaller it may get harrassed to death.

Probably best to give a list of the ones you're thinking of & then people with experience of the could chime in.
+1, this echoes what I've heard and read about as well.

I've heard that the saddleback (C. ephippium) is fairly aggressive for a butterfly, for example .. which is too bad as it's a stunning fish, would love to try one some day.

Originally Posted by rayjay View Post
I had no problems other than normal fish only tanks with a Raccoon, Auriga, Pakistani, Longnose, and an red tailed checked (actually the tail was orange) in a 90.
Man that's my dream FOWLR right there. Any pictures (please and thank you)?

Also quick question but what's the difference between a Pakistani b/f and a red-tailed checkered b/f? I thought these were the same fish?
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Old 10-28-2010, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by VFX View Post
It really depends on which ones you're thinking of.

Some may cross hybridise in the wild, others could be aggressive towards conspecifics.

Size also matters sometimes. 2 different species of butterfly may liver happily together if they are similar size but if one is much smaller it may get harrassed to death.

Probably best to give a list of the ones you're thinking of & then people with experience of the could chime in.


Thinking of 2 from this list

Raccoon (Chaetodon lunula)
Auriga (Chaetodon auriga)
Vagabond (Chaetodon vagabundus)
Latticed (Chaetodon rafflesi)

or maybe even a Heniochus (Heniochus acuminatus)

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Old 10-28-2010, 08:00 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
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Well, for some reason I don't have a pic of the red tailed that is otherwise known as a pearlscale. Here is a link though to a picture of one.

I have a pic of my copperband that was in one of my reef/clam tanks.

I can only find a picture of my auriga when I first got him and he was in quarantine for 8 weeks.

This pic is older and shows my raccoon and pakistani together.

This is my longnose.

The tank has been stripped now and being prepared for seahorses once I get more fry going.
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