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Old 05-26-2010, 05:14 AM
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Default So mad right now GRRRRRR!!!! (R.I.P. froggy)

So I come home to find my frogfish is missing part (a good part, like the whole fan back half part) of his tail

I'm guessing my fu man chu lionfish had to have done it as there are no other fish in that tank I've never seen the lion bother the frog before and they've always seemed to have gotten along fine in the past but then they've only been sharing the same tank for the last 2 weeks or so.

I didn't feed fu man chu last night and now I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it, guess I'll never know for sure. However my dilemma now is what to do. I really like both fish and I don't want to get rid of either one, but I don't want the lion to hurt the frog any further. GRRRRRRR not sure what to do. Thought about moving the lion into my big reef tank but I have a green clown goby, mandarin goby, scooter blenny and tail spot blenny that I wouldn't want to be food for the fu man chu.

On the plus side the frog seems to be ok. He is still able to swim around and he tried to eat. Unfortunately he kept spitting it back up (which he hasn't done in awhile) but at least he was showing interest in food.

I did get my lion to eat a piece of silverside so hopefully he'll leave froggy alone. Best case scenario he saw the frog's tail from around the corner and bit it not realizing it was attached to a bigger fish. Not sure what else to do for now other then keep a close eye on things and watch that the frog doesn't get hurt more. Maybe a bigger tank would help (they are only in a 20g cube) but I don't want any bigger then a 40g cube and unfortunately I'm not allowed to spend any more $$ of fish stuff so I'm SOL on that (for now) at least until I can convince my boyfriend to let me.

Not the best pic.'s but it gives you an idea.

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One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 05-30-2010 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 05-26-2010, 05:22 AM
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Holy crap I had no idea a fu manchu could do that! I always thought of them as the swallowing whole type rather than biting and severing. Although having both in a 20gal does seem to be pushing it. Could it have been an act of territorial aggression or do they get along well?
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Old 05-26-2010, 05:24 AM
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Whoa! that is a big chunk
My 265 gallon build!
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Old 05-26-2010, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Holy crap I had no idea a fu manchu could do that! I always thought of them as the swallowing whole type rather than biting and severing. Although having both in a 20gal does seem to be pushing it. Could it have been an act of territorial aggression or do they get along well?
That's what driving me crazy:

A: I have no idea how my fu man chu did that, when he eats silversides he waits until I drop the piece, then watches it float around a bit, then gulps it down hole. Although since there is no other fish in the tank I don't see what else could of done it. Ok as I just typed that I remembered that I've heard popping sounds (which I think are from a pistol shrimp, But I've never seen it) but I don't think a pistol shrimp or mantis could of done that and I have a very small anemone crab (pretty sure that's what it is) however I don't think it could of done that either.

and B: So far whenever I have been watching they've gotten along fine. I've seen them close together (actually touching each other) but they just kind of hang out together then eventually one or the other moves on. Most of the time they are in different spots of the tank but I've never seen either one of them chase the other if they get to close to the spot they prefer to be in. Of course I don't watch them for the most part at night so who knows...Just seems odd to me that they seem to be fine and could care less about each other during the day but then to come home to froggy's tail missing makes me wonder WTF.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 05-26-2010 at 05:49 AM.
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Old 05-26-2010, 06:00 AM
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I have never kept either a lion or frog fish because I am not into predators.
When you have two fish in a small tank these attacks are likely to happen. recommends a minimum 40 gallon tank.

I know you are familiar with this site. Any reason you didn't check this out before you bought the fish?
You will need to rehome at least one of them if you you want the frogfish to live IMO.
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Old 05-26-2010, 06:07 AM
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Wayne, I disagree. I don't for a minute believe the lion did that, I'd be looking for a hidden crab. Another possibility is the tail got stuck between some rocks and broke off during the struggle to get free. Try looking for the tail piece...

Since these fish aren't huge swimmers, the space should be fine as long as water quality is maintained.
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Old 05-26-2010, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Wayne, I disagree. I don't for a minute believe the lion did that, I'd be looking for a hidden crab. Another possibility is the tail got stuck between some rocks and broke off during the struggle to get free. Try looking for the tail piece...

Since these fish aren't huge swimmers, the space should be fine as long as water quality is maintained.
You know it does seem more likely that the frog got suck and it broke off. I will be keeping a close eye on things to see if the lion starts picking on the frog. I didn't see a tail piece but I wasn't looking for it either, I'll have to see if I can spot it. The water quality has been really good in that tank so it shouldn't be a problem maintaining it, I'm also treating with Saltwater Melafix, so hopefully that helps.

Wayne I know the 20g is a bit small, I wasn't expecting to find a fu man chu that actually was eating frozen and had a good chance of survival so I wasn't able to pass him up. I do want to set up a 40g cube for these guys but I 1st have to find a way to convince my boyfriend to let me, or do it in a way were he wont be to mad at me. I'm hoping that by Sept. this year I'll have a 40g cube for them. Both of them aren't very big swimmers, and have always seemed to have enough room, so I thought they'd be ok for a few months in the 20g.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 05-26-2010, 02:13 PM
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Ya I would guess that he maybe dropped his tail while under duress, kind of like what lizards do. Easily grown back later.
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Old 05-26-2010, 02:29 PM
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Yeah I can't see the lionfish doing that either, the fu-man-chu in particular is very passive and defends it's territory by angling it's spines towards the threat and waving them around. It's not a bitter by any means.

Fins grow back so as long as the fish doesn't seem bothered by it, it's a minor problem.
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Old 05-26-2010, 02:32 PM
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sorry to he about your froggie Laurie

I agree......looks like too clean of a break to be a "bite".....that being said Im not really sure whether or not frogfish are able to shed body parts???
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