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Old 03-05-2010, 02:43 AM
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Default Tang's beating up new Foxface

Reena just told me that our new Foxface was in out coast to coast overflow, looking dead. He wasnt, got him back into main tank and now the Regal tank is chasing him all over.

Just been informed that he's not doing well. more like just floating around. Could the tangs be the reason I have lost all of the last 3 new fish I have gotten? I never see much bullying when I'm home, But lost 2 puffers and this foxface. All within a month of arrival. Last week, FOxface was eating with them all, seemed just fine. Parameters all are fine and there is 9 other fish in there. If somethign was off, would think the other would suffer too.

So, all in writing this, he's died and the others were attacking him. Sometimes I just want to sell it all, get closer each time I try a new fish too.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:13 AM
imcosmokramer imcosmokramer is offline
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put a mirror close to your tank, that will preoccupy the tang
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:28 AM
ickmagnet ickmagnet is offline
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I put a foxface into my tank and it would change colors drastically when stressed- giving the impression that it was about to go bye bye. What made matters worse was that it was being harassed by my yellow and purple tang. After 2-3 days, it started doing better and everything was fine. It took a week before it started to eat without fear. What I did was put out two separate algae clips so that the other tangs would let it eat in peace.

Having said that, i used to have a regal tang that terrorized the tank and killed 3 of my other fish. I took him out and gave him to j & l. From what I read though, the regal tang is supposed to be peaceful.
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:30 AM
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Could always try introducing new fish late late at night when all the fish are well asleep (assuming you don't already do this). I find this helps. Not 100% bulletproof method but it does help. This gives the new fish a chance to explore while everyone is asleep, and figure out where everything and everyone is. Plus, the established fish are usually too tired to bother to chase anyone around for too long. By the morning sometimes the fish just seem to think that the new fish has been there all along. Anyway, I only introduce fish late at night and it seems to work out most of the time for me. I have 4 tangs that get along pretty well.
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:52 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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The night trick works for me too. My regal tang is the first tang I have in my tank and he got bullied by my powder brown and salfin tang that i introduced later even though powder brown is the same size as him. Anyway the one fish he bully is my blue damsel which is a good thing :-). Good luck next time, you just got bad luck with your regal tang. Don't give up :-)
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Old 03-05-2010, 01:48 PM
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Ya All those tricks I did acctually.

Fish was added at night, I didn;t get home till lights out.
Rockwork was just reciently re-organized,
Separate feedings.

After a week, they looked great, and after 2 weeks I figured he was settling in. They would all eat together. Occasionally Yellow would take a little dart in Fox's direction, but nothing to serious. So that's why I am suprised, 18 days after acclimating him that they turn on him so bad.

We have decided to get rid of both the Yellow and the Regal. There is a post in the Livestock section. I don't want much for them, frag trade would be awesome. Just want to see them go to a big tank. maybe a tank with other tangs and the like, they won't be the dominant bullies like they are in our tank. This is for the best I think as we want some different fish.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:48 PM
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maybe regals have a sixth scent.... my regal picked on my wrasse for a whlie not to bad but still chased him into the rocks when he was out
then the wrasse started acting wired the ended up passing away from swim bladder infection ....I started to think the regal was telling wrasse there was no room for sick fish here and to get out...maybe your regal is doing the same!!!!
just a thought
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