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Old 02-15-2010, 02:31 PM
banditpowdercoat's Avatar
banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Default Calcium Reactor, kalk reactor?? which one?

I think I need something to keep my CA levels in check while im out at work. My wife will not dose. She feeds and cleans glass, thats about it. There have been some accident's while she has been looking after the tanks. none her fault, but she feels overwhelmed by all the dosing etc. So, I am gone on a 50/50 basis, right now 2weeks out, 2 weeks home. But other times it's 3wk/3wk.

I really don't want to spend the $, nor have the room 'yet' for Co2 tank etc for a true Ca reactor, unless I found a setup cheap enough???

Now what about Kalk? I have read and like the Nilsen reactor or Kalk stirrer style reactors. I was thinking of feeding my ATO through one? But, here's where I can't find much info. How do you know How much Kalk to add? Like does it vary? or does it self regulate? Can you overdose with ATO style addition? I know it needs to be added slowly, My ATO ads only about 2-3 cups at a time to the tank, so keeps fairly constant levels. But, we use the ATO res for other FW tanks water too, and it's on an auto refill system off the RO/DI so adding kalk to the res is not an option.

I don't have much Ca requirements in tank right now, but will be adding some shortly. I just have this fear of the Ca plummeting while i'm away and killing my corals
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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