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Old 03-02-2010, 01:01 PM
mytank90 mytank90 is offline
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Default aquqmedic t1000question

hello i am trying to set up a aqua medic t1000 in my sump but getting tons of micro bubbles flowing threw the outlet tube .is there a min /max height for theses ?mines in about eight and a half inches of water
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:02 PM
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I have a T1000 use the boxes and bring the water level half way up the outlet tube. If you don't have the boxes than you have to raise the water level to just below the neck I believe it will be around the 12" level I asked Carmen to measure her level on hers and that is what she runs hers at. I believe it was Carmen. Once they are working they produce realy dark skimm and it smells I cleaned mine the other night and it turned the water inthe toilet black-green had to flush twice to get clear water. The small hung around for a couple hours. I don't think I'd go to a different skimmer if I do buy anouther skimmer it will by the T5000.

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Old 03-02-2010, 06:56 PM
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Here's an online instructions manual for set-up.

I did run it in 12" of water but I think I had found something online that said it should be in 8"???Not 100% sure on that though. That skimmer ran perfectly and efficiently in 12" with a recirculating water hook up. I was then able to control flow through the outlet tubes using the recirc with a ball valve. The outlets should be only half full, more than that will make your microbubbles worse. Also if you can, use the black box to minimize the bubbles before they reach the sump. Hope that helps...
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:02 PM
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+1 Carmen I was sure it was you that I asked about the water hight I raised mine a bit and now skimmer is pulling realy dark black skimmate.

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Old 03-02-2010, 08:37 PM
mytank90 mytank90 is offline
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thanks for the reply just set it up yesterday and in proccess of trying to dial it in .tank is new so prble be awile before i get smelly stuff .useing some foam to stop bubbles right now
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:52 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Also if you can, use the black box to minimize the bubbles before they reach the sump
If you use the black box you can also minimize the bubbles by using a bag of carbon, chemi-pure, etc. in it.
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Old 03-03-2010, 12:03 AM
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Good thread, thanks for starting it mytank90. I have the same kind of skimmer which I'm also trying to dial in. Not producing much skimmate at the moment due to the new set-up and low bio load. I'm using a Rio 2100 pump but I don't have a needle wheel impeller which may be part of the problem. I too am getting bubbles and I'll try the carbon bag in the box.
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Old 03-03-2010, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by MMAX View Post
Good thread, thanks for starting it mytank90. I have the same kind of skimmer which I'm also trying to dial in. Not producing much skimmate at the moment due to the new set-up and low bio load. I'm using a Rio 2100 pump but I don't have a needle wheel impeller which may be part of the problem. I too am getting bubbles and I'll try the carbon bag in the box.
you should get a needle wheel impeller it will help immensely you need as many tiny bubbles as you can get. the two black knobs are for dialing in I have mine set halfway between the outlet and the skimmer body. I find have in them point to wards the middle or each other it was a bit easer to dial in.

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Old 03-03-2010, 01:34 AM
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one other note the pump has to be atleast 1 inch under water mine is about 6 inches under water. works great makes very dark skimmate se for your self in pic's in the 110g tank journal link.

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