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Old 05-03-2018, 05:34 AM
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Default Pets are so relaxing...yea right

Not since the days when I had my 33 gallon setup as a SW tank have my cats caused as much havoc as they did tonight.

The story and scene I have three cats two females and a male one of my female cats is older and a miserable old cranky cat the other two are still spunky and friendly and my old cat really does not like them but tolerates them. Well tonight my male cat surprised my cranky old battle ax who then proceeded to run in angry flight mode (the get the F*** away mode) well she ran into my other cat who ran out to see what the commotion was and ran straight into miss cranky pants who did an acrobatic aerial display in mid air and did a 180 landed in front of the male jumped over him and right towards my tank where she did another aerial feat and jumped on top of the tank and onto the lights where she then hissed her anger and indignartion at the offenders.

It was about this time my male cat jumped up onto a chair beside the tank and gave miss cranky pants the I’m gonna get you stare. Well miss cranky backed up on the lights over and off onto the mesh top on top of my tank and through the mesh into the tank screaming bloody blue murder all along. I finally reach the cats grab any fur I can on both cats and toss one onto the floor and the sopping wet mess to the floor in the other direction. Fish the mesh top out of the tank find it undamaged and replace it only to throw it in surprise seconds later as the other female cat decided to get in the action and chase miss sopping wet cranky pants right to me who then decides my leg is a perfect climbing instrument I grab the cat climbing me in shock and pain and ever so gently(Not likely) tear her from my leg and toss her away from me losing some precious skin and blood and rip a new pair of pants in the process and the other two chase her to my room where I believe it ended.

Finally everything calms down end result one damaged mesh screen (from my tossing it in surprise and pain) one sopping wet stinky cranky cat, one male cat looking smug and my other female cat looking at me while I alternately cry, curse extensively and bleed from multiple wounds on my leg and back

Pet ownership is such a joy....

The instigators the female is all white the male black and white about 40 minutes after the incident looking so very innocent
Untitled by Dean Soiland, on Flickr

Miss cranky pants all dried off after making most of my bed wet...bleh
Untitled by Dean Soiland, on Flickr
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 05-03-2018, 05:45 AM
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DKoKoMan DKoKoMan is offline
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Hahaha got to love cats when they get the zoomies. My wife fosters cats with a local rescue so we have a bunch of new faces. There is always something new and exciting but I have yet to have anything tragic regarding my tank occur. Luckily minimal damage to your tank and all your furry animals are not hurt. Btw they are some nice looking cats, neat coats especially the black and white.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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Old 05-03-2018, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by DKoKoMan View Post
Hahaha got to love cats when they get the zoomies. My wife fosters cats with a local rescue so we have a bunch of new faces. There is always something new and exciting but I have yet to have anything tragic regarding my tank occur. Luckily minimal damage to your tank and all your furry animals are not hurt. Btw they are some nice looking cats, neat coats especially the black and white.
It was common when I had my 33 gallon for miss grumpy to fall in to my tank or get bit by hermit crabs not to mention she used to love drinking salt water (cats are one of the very few mammals that can drink salt water with no ill effect due to efficient kidneys)

Most tragic thing I have happen involving my cats is losing hermits to miss cranky pants who was fascinated with them as they climbed the corners of the 33 gallon tank.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 05-05-2018, 02:09 AM
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I would love to do an open top on my Biocube so I can get some serious light in there, but I think our little guy would go for a swim.

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