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Old 09-07-2010, 05:52 PM
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Default red stuff on sand, small "bubbles" on rocks

so i got this red stuff on the sand in a very high flow area of my tank. is it cayno? It disappears when the MH go off but actinic are on. doesnt really look bad to me, kinda looks like coraline growing on my sand, hehehe.

i also go this one low flow area, and about a quarter size area on a rock has these small mini bubbles, probably a good hundred or so. what is that? bad? good? run for my life?

should i be worrying? should i combat these two things?

this stuff started showing up when i started dosing coral snow, coral vitlizer, zeobac, and sponge power.
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Old 09-07-2010, 06:25 PM
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Sounds like cyano to me. I would stop dosing CV and SP, just use the CS and Bak. You can also mix CS, Bak and Zeo Zyme together, be sure to shut off your skimmer for 3 hours or so when doing this. Do about 700ml of tank water for the mix and let it sit for 8 hours before you dose it. Then slowly ramp up the SP, see what happens, then slowly start CV again (just cuz the dosage says 1 drop per 25g doesnt mean thats what you should do) Have a look at lobster boys thread and look at what he doses.
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Old 09-07-2010, 06:29 PM
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what is zeo zyme? never heard of it.
and Ive been dosing straight into the tank, no mixing with tank water. I did mix CV, SP, CV for 5min in a cup. ive been slowly reducing the dosing to half of what the bottle says.
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Old 09-07-2010, 07:26 PM
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I used to have a small bit that just showed up in one part of my tank. I lowered the amount of time my light was on and got some small crabs to pick at it. Lowering the amount you are feeding is a wise idea much like the above post stated. If you do water changes you can suck the stuff out, try and get the bubbles with it to help slow the spreading. My first mistake was draining too much water while trying to clean the tank, if you drain too much water it will just keep comen back.
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:30 PM
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just found
looks like parkinsn is on the right track to use zeozym and CS and bak.
im also gonna pickup some xtra, looks good.
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:47 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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gobytron is an unknown quantity at this point

do some more reading around...
cyano is a common reefissue and often solved without running out and buying something to do it.
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Old 09-08-2010, 03:19 AM
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I see in another post that you dose zeovit nightly. A while back I had a little patch of cyano show up the next day after dosing. I dose every second day. I cut my amount that I put in the tank to a quarter amount than what is suggested on the bottle and have had better results and the cyano has not come back since.
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Old 09-08-2010, 03:52 AM
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well i did bunch of reading, mainly on the zeovit stuff
I ended up vacuming out the cyano (which i think i could have just grabed and peeled off the sand) and right after dosing zeozyme with coral snow and zeobak. gonna stop cv and sp for a few days and just dose the zeozyme mixture.

seems the best way to go, i love this zeo stuff, my water is so damn clean looking since i started using it. and since i started dosing my two rbtas that seem to have been dieing since they turned super white, have now colored back up. not sure if its related or just a fluke.
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