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![]() I am incredibly frustrated right now. I am new to saltwater and have been waiting for my tank to cycle since Dec. 29th. I have gone from doing several tests a week to weekly tests because the tank just isn't cycling. I have seen my ammonia spike twice only to have it return to 0.25 and my nitrite level is still at 0.05...I have even taken my water to Big Al's for fear that my test kit is having issues.
I have about 50 lbs of live rock in the 33 gal tank and I know that nothing happens fast in a saltwater tank but I also know that it should only take 4-6 weeks for the tank to cycle and I am approaching my 8th week. What the heck could I possibly be doing wrong??? |
![]() That sounds like alot of rock in there. I have used a 33 gal to cure rock and when I put
in 50 lbs it was pretty full. I wonder is it live rock? Do you have sand and is it live? It is a little frustrating hang in there. It gets better. |
![]() Tank should have cycled by now even it your rock is dead. You can buy bacteria in a bottle that you can use to salt the tank. Or you can just find somebody with some sand...a cup or so and salt you tank that way. The last way is to put some fish in it to start the cycle. Mollies are cheap ...... Put the light on the tank and see what grows
![]() Yes it is live sand and I am starting to wonder if it was live rock as well but I bought it from a person off this board who said it was so I can only assume it is...I just hope that he didn't take advantage of my newbie status but I don't think that is the case as it has growth on it...
I have pictures of the tank on my Facebook page if you think you can tell by looking at it my name is Brad Mulders... |
![]() if you took us all through a step by step of your set up and gave some more info about your tank (like lighting, water turnover, any inhabitants, what brand of test kits you're using, etc) I am sure we could offer you some pertinent advice.
![]() If the rock was cured already when you aquired it and it never dried out between the time it was placed in your tank, you may not see a large cycle. Could be good to go already. I bought my setup used from a Vancouver aquarist, transported it all the way to Vernon with much of the rock wrapped in wet newspaper and some submerged in left over tank water. Never did get much of an ammonia spike when I set it up at home.
Mike 77g sumpless SW DIY 10 watt multi-chip LED build ![]() |
![]() if you have seen any nitrates at all I would say your tank has cycled . I only had a little cycle and if I hadnt of tested when I did I wouldnt of seen the spike at all cause a few hours later it was down to nothing and has been sitting this way since christmas .
![]() I would get a LFS to double check your test results.
- Greg 90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2 |
![]() what helped me cycle my tank fast was using cycle .....just dumped lots of that stuff in ... and off you go
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![]() I'd have to agree with Mike, if your rock was in good condition and didn't have much or any die off from that transfer then your cycle could have been quick with very little spikes. If your water is testing good now then I would think you are good to go.
Jared ![]() |