so i gave in on boxeing day and bought three of the cheep "tank raised" AKA net raised seahorses at big als, and of course they have internal parasites, i figured this before i bought them and read your suposed to feed them live adult brine shrimp that are gut load with medication(metro, prazi, panacur)but of corse i cant find any, i was going to order some from the states but it looks like thats a bit to hard to do right now, i figure some other people must have bought some of these SHs, seems every store has SHs right now for some reason but iam too scared to by more sence it looks like these are going to die

, i have tried soaking and even injecting prazi into there PE mysis but they just spit it out

, anyone have any other advice or idea i could try, aside from getting CB horses or haveing live brine on hand next time