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Old 05-19-2008, 11:09 PM
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Default Tank build questions

I am just starting the process of planning out a tank build and would like to pick your brains, if I may. The tank will either be 72x24x24 or 72x30x24. The size will depend on a few factors which I am working on now. (I'd really like to have the extra depth of the 220 gal. if I can swing it). Most of the build will be new (equipment, etc.) (unless I am able to find what I am looking for used). The tank will be built into a wall unit at the end of the Family Room and will also contain the TV, stereo, etc. (70 gal glass sump will be located in a 4' by 2' closet adjacent to Family Room. The closet is in the study and I may have to increase the size of the closet as I think it will be too small for equipment, etc.)

1. GLASS or ACRYLIC: Opinions?
Untamed: You went with acrylic and your tank is incredible! However, I know you had an issue with the triggers scratching the acrylic. As I'm planning on keeping triggers as well what do you advise? Were you able to remove the scratches? And if so is it a major pain-in-the-@ss? I guess what I'm asking, if I may, is If you had to do it over again would you go with acrylic over glass.

2. OVERFLOW: Internal or External?
I like the idea of an external overflow, but being in a wall unit it may be difficult to get at it. Another option is to have an internal overflow at one end of the tank running from front to back (as in Krazy Kuch's & Michika's 180 build). I could frame-in this section of the tank with the finishing of the wall unit and then the overflow would look just like the end of the tank. This would give me a 30" overflow, with 2-2 1/2" drain holes (good for about 2000GPH)

3. TANK BUILDER: As I live in Powell River I would prefer to find a supplier on the Island, but the GVR is also fine. Any suggestions as to a builder?

4. HUMIDITY: I already have a 90 gal reef in this room; with the addition of the 220, I'm sure to have humidity problems. Will a small dehumidifier be adequate or do I have to consider venting to outside?

Any suggestions and advice are appreciated. I'm sure I will have a lot more questions to come. The building of the stand and wall unit I'm comfortable with as I have a woodworking background. The plumbing, electrical, and equipment for the system is where I need the help.
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