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Old 02-24-2008, 02:58 AM
Mattgesy Mattgesy is offline
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Default School FUN! not lol please take a look

Currently going to school to be a vet tech, school isn’t fun, anyways I have to do this report on pet stores in Edmonton, and I have a couple of questions please reply it will make my life easier lol I don’t know if this will work for my report, so we will see lol

1) What is the first thing you dislike about a pet store other then selling dogs and cats?

2) What is something you want/need in a pet store that you never seen before?

3) Is customer service the most important thing to you?

4) If they don’t have a product on the shelf, you willing to ask someone if they have it? Or even carry it?

5) If a new pet store was to open in Edmonton would you go check it out? Or wait until a friend goes there and tells you good things about it

Thanks for your time everyone
i hope these qestions help me lol
Thanks! again

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Old 02-24-2008, 05:09 AM
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I'll play

1. either getting or over hearing obvious mis-information
2. nothing really. If one place doesn't have it, either another store or the internet will
3. somewhat, often I might go to a store select what I want and the only interaction with with the cashier, that's okay
4. yes, sometimes I might even phone ahead before going
5. yes, but sometimes only hear about a a new store from a someone else and still would probably go even with a bad review just to see for myself
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Old 02-24-2008, 06:59 AM
Jeff_ Jeff_ is offline
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Me too
1) misinformation, sales pushing, employees not being honest
2) not anything really for me either
3) yea, id say its pretty important,
4) yes
5) probably, as for reviews I like to hear what others say about it but I would also check it out myself
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Old 02-24-2008, 03:17 PM
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1. Misinformation, pushy sales people, and stores so crowed that you feel like you can't turn around in them with out hitting/bumping into someone.

2. I can't think of anything. Usually if one store doesn't have it another will, or you'll find it on the internet.

3. I don't know about the most important thing, but it's high up there. For example I want to go back to stores were the employees/owners are nice, respectful, and helpful whereas if they weren't I probably wont be back. I should also note that when a store goes above and beyond great customer service I will look for excuses to go back, just because of how good I was treated.

4. Yes, and sometimes I will call ahead to find out.

5. Yes, curiosity will grab ahold of me and I'll want to see for myself what it's like.

Hope that helps, good luck with your report
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Old 02-24-2008, 06:11 PM
Mattgesy Mattgesy is offline
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thanks, these help killer alot, so many pages lol, so little time, no alot of time end of month, but still trying to figure out what this has to do with being a vet tech, but i will shut the mouth and do it lol

Thanks all!
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