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![]() My system is devoid of pods and I feel I should begin to repopulate it. I would like to buy either macro algae teeming with pods, or live pods from a store.
![]() Colby at Elite said he was going to start bringing in those bottled live pods. I am not sure if he has yet though.
- Greg 90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2 |
![]() I would also like to get my hands on some, but have not heard of anywhere locally that sells them. I have never bought them before, but would like to give it a shot.
60 Gallon rimless, internal Herbie overflow, ATI Powermodule, Eheim 1250, 2X Tunze 6055, Tunze ATO, Euroreef RS100, Profilux controller, TLF Reactor. |
![]() I've never had to buy them before either, and since I'm new to Calgary I haven't a clue where to even start looking.
I try Elite and see if they are in fact carrying them. |
![]() Sounds good, if you find some let me know and I will do the same!
I have my light for my fuge coming from J&L so I will be ready for some chaeto soon, dont know where I am going to get it from either!!!
60 Gallon rimless, internal Herbie overflow, ATI Powermodule, Eheim 1250, 2X Tunze 6055, Tunze ATO, Euroreef RS100, Profilux controller, TLF Reactor. |
![]() Catherine:
You can also just shoot Colby a PM instead of trundling down to Elite and potentially wasting a trip! His user ID on here is little_c. |
![]() If you start a couple times weekly dosing a small amount of DT's Live Phytoplankton your pod population will explode. Be careful not to overdose and pollute your tank. If you start growing nuisance algaes, then you are dosing too much.
![]() Damn, and I just made my order to J&l's! Thanks for the tip, I might try to find some in town and give it a shot!
60 Gallon rimless, internal Herbie overflow, ATI Powermodule, Eheim 1250, 2X Tunze 6055, Tunze ATO, Euroreef RS100, Profilux controller, TLF Reactor. |
![]() Make sure you buy the DT's brand...other brands don't even compare. J&L has to send it in a separate styrofoam box with ice packs as needs to stay refridgerated.
![]() Quote:
DTs is an okay brand, but the die off is tremendous. If you want a good phyto try growing your own from a starter kit from a reputable company such as Florida Aquaculture Farms. |