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Old 01-19-2008, 08:30 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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Default Rant about Cloverfield - euyuck!

Worst movie of 2008. Save your 12.50 and buy some McDonald's instead. FYI, I'm sure many people enjoyed it and that's cool too - this movie just wasn't my cup of tea.

This movie was so awful that it boggled my mind - especially when a director can take the idea of a convulsing camcorder and call it a stylistically clever film. They don't warn people about motion sickness for nothing.

The only saving grace was everytime he dropped the camcorder, my sore eyes thanked me for the lack of motion onscreen. This isn't a monster movie as much as it was some guy looking for his girlfriend (uberhot, btw). There was no closure at all and there were probably only 3 deaths that I could count. Honestly though, this movie could have been way better if it were shot classically, with more focus on the monster a la Godzilla.

If anything, the lack of scenes with a monster is further undermined by the incredible predictability of the tunnel scene. Yeah, like we're all gonna see air when you mention a night vision function, although the silhouette of Marlena dying surely came as a surprise (A+ if the cam was replaced by normal equipment).

I can relate to the comments of a dissatisfied audience. The whole crowd at my theater was baffled when the movie ended, save for the bold echo of my opinion regarding this movie before the credits rolled - it resonated throughout the silent room:

".......WHAT THE *BEEP*?"
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Old 01-19-2008, 04:57 PM
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LOL, thanks These days, with small kids at home I hardly ever make it to the movies anymore (big ordeal, babysitters, planning, etc. etc. - takes away from the sponteneity of "hey's let's catch a flick tonight!"). So, your review makes me I feel better about not being able to get out and watch this one then.
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Old 01-19-2008, 05:09 PM
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I liked it! In my opinion, if it had been filmed differently (or rather, "regularly"), it would have been the worst copycat big monster movie EVER. Basically Godzilla, except worse.

I felt myself somewhat annoyed by the motion at times, but...those moments passed.

I also liked that there was no closure. Nothing at all. Haha...because we so love (NEED) closure that it's a bit entertaining when a huge room full of us don't get it

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Old 01-19-2008, 05:51 PM
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My pops went to the screening of this movie with my nephew. They both said it sucked baadddd. 2/10. I will wait on this one. I knew it was too much hype.
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Old 01-19-2008, 10:40 PM
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Produced by the man who wrote Armageddon... hmmm... I know it's not gonna be an amazing film before I go anywhere near a movie theater.

But for all those who are curious...

Link to extended clip of Cloverfield.


ps. no I'm not a fan of Lost!

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Old 01-20-2008, 05:10 AM
Jeff_ Jeff_ is offline
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My eyes were closed for half the movie cause i got so motion sick Someone actually threw up when we were in there. I agree it wasnt an all too great of a movie
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Old 01-20-2008, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeff_ View Post
My eyes were closed for half the movie cause i got so motion sick Someone actually threw up when we were in there. I agree it wasnt an all too great of a movie
That happened to me whilst watching Bourne Ultimatum too. What is it with the renegade guerilla cam these days!?!?!

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Old 01-20-2008, 02:58 PM
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I have to say, of what I saw, I liked it. It was pretty novel and interesting if you went with little knowledge except the previews. I ended up having to leave just as the four of them entered the mall after being in the tunnels.

I got very sick from the film. I had to leave and a friend told me everything that happened after I left. I was sick for about 2 hours after the film and ended up just having to go right to bed.

As for the lack of closure, from what I was told I thought there was closure enough for me. Then again I'm not a die hard person when I comes to such things. I think I will try watching it again on the small screen once it goes to DVD, at least then I can pause it if I start to feel ill again.
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