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Old 07-11-2007, 12:10 AM
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Default //skimmer question//

-Does anyone know if it's ok to just use a normal power filter while you're cycling, and then after you're done cycling a month or two later buy a skimmer?
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Old 07-11-2007, 01:21 AM
Static Static is offline
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There are many people who run tanks with no skimmer. I ran my tank like that for the first few months. In my power filter instead of the normal sponge I filled it with live rock. Sponge filters tend to get clogged with detritus and need to be cleaned regularly. You'll have to keep up regular water changes because they will be your main source of nutrient export without a skimmer.

Good luck and enjoy
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Old 07-11-2007, 02:00 AM
marcingo marcingo is offline
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I also ran my tank skimmerless. Many people may not agree with me but I found that a tank may be very successful (in the case of softies more successful I found without a skimmer than with) without a skimmer. In my case when I bought a good skimmer it just made my maintenance much easier. I found that you either do bi weekly water changes when you have no skimmer or if your like me dont change your water for months when you do have a skimmer. Its probably not the best idea since skimmers also remove minerals from the water and corals use them up as well. Anyway to answer your question both ways work. Soft corals like nutrient rich water so skimmerless setups work better for them in my experience. I had a few hard corals in the tank when I had no skimmer and they didnt seem to like it.
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Old 07-11-2007, 03:29 AM
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Exclamation //softie corals//

-Well I'm goin' all softies so I'll try that,thanks. -I just wonder how the lps corals will take the ''no skimmer'' system? -cuz i plan on goin' 70% softies and
30% lps corals.
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Old 07-11-2007, 04:51 AM
marcingo marcingo is offline
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I had a few lps in my skimmerless and they survived but didnt do too well. I dont know if it was because of the no skimmer. However if money is not an issue I suggest if you want any lps at all to get a skimmer. My softies grew a little slower but they still grew when I added the skimmer and the lps did much better with the skimmer.
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:11 AM
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k thanks i guess i'll just go with the skimmer for overall best results
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Old 07-11-2007, 06:01 AM
skylord skylord is offline
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Just remember you need to go slow...dont add 57 different corals the first week. If you go slow and pace the additions to your tank, do your regular water changes, you may not need a skimmer for 3 or 4 months. That will give you time to find one that someone else has out grown for a reasonable price. By the time all that happens you will know what you really want and need. Or you can do it the way I did and buy 3 different skimmers before you get the one that works best for you and your system.

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