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Old 12-22-2007, 10:15 PM
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Default Caribsea Mineral Mud/Ecosystem Miracle Mud - who's using it?

ANYBODY out there using either the Mineral or Miracle mud? IF so, lets hear about it. I've been debating and hearing numerous opinions for and against these products so I wouldn't mind looking for some personal experiences out there.
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Old 12-22-2007, 10:31 PM
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I remember looking into it about 5 years ago when I was thinking about it also. after several big long post on RC and some one who actually bought some and had it analyzed it turned out that the largest component of it was garden soil. Now as to weather it worked, like you I have heard the good and the bad.

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Old 12-23-2007, 02:42 AM
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My refugium has a layer of caribsea mineral mud.I can't say anything bad I do have a thin layer of aragonite over it,My fuge has a large population of amphipods and other small creatures,It also grows lots of macro.My display has been running for 7years and the fuge 3.5 years and no problems.I can't say anything bad or good about the mud because it's been in the fuge since day one and I have nothing to compare to I can only say everything works.My fuge is a little unique but my technicals isn't what your question was so I won't ramble hope it helps. I've also seen may mag photos of systems running eco miracle mud,expensive stuff.If it's expensive it must work???????
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Old 12-23-2007, 03:32 AM
skylord skylord is offline
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I use the caribsea in my mangrove tank/refugium. I also cap it with about 1-2 inchs of sand. When I first started using it my nitrates went skyhigh. Im not sure if the mud caused the spike but nothing seemed to be bothered by it. Macros grow well in there and the mangroves need triming about once a month. I would use again for my mangroves but dont think I would use it in a sump or refugium without the trees. To hard to keep it out of the disply tank when attempting to clean the refugium.

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