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![]() Newfie speedshop style!
http://www.canadiantirepower.ca Can't argue with the intent - but 27,995$ to run my new prop system 'off the grid'... (batteries only to backup for 24 hrs) ![]() ![]() Ran across it in a trade magazine, figured someone out there might have a few $ burning a hole in their pocket.
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![]() Where does the $28grand price come from? Is there a calculator tool or something based on your wattage where they figure out a number of solar panels you'll need or something like that?
Keen idea, but ah ... yeah.
-- Tony My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee! |
![]() Theres a design your system option in there... Unfortunately spews out a price for ya too
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