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Old 03-15-2006, 08:22 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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Default just some pics of our tank stuff

These are pics of stuff from my hubby's tank. It's only a 10 gallon right now, but we're upgrading soon (we hope). he wants it to be a mostly corals only with a little rock and the clown and firefish (that keeps hiding lol)

this is his xenia and gsp

this is the hairy mushrooms and kenya tree

this is our clown and his purple tip anemone (he only recently started hosting, last 3 days maybe)

here's the entire tank. it looks really bare, and the anemone does some funky sucking itself in and then expanding beautifully thing.

sorry for the blurriness. i tried focusing but its not the greatest camera.
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons

Last edited by christyf5; 03-15-2006 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 03-15-2006, 08:50 PM
nanoreefer nanoreefer is offline
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how long has your tank been set up? and what lighting are you useing?
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Old 03-15-2006, 08:56 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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the tank water had been established for about a year. we took it from the big tank. i can't remember what the light is though.
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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Old 03-15-2006, 09:12 PM
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Is that 10g plumbed into a larger setup? Doesn't look like a lot of rock in there for denitrification.

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Old 03-15-2006, 09:37 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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no, its a stand alone. they're not this weeks current pics. we do have more rock. 5lbs of it right now. we have 20lbs of uncured rock that we're working on getting cured right now
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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Old 03-15-2006, 09:40 PM
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hey arent you addidias's gf?
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
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Old 03-15-2006, 09:41 PM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
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Gotcha, good stuff.

Is your lighting good enough for your anemone?

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Old 03-15-2006, 10:08 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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hahahahaha. No i'm not adidas's girlfriend. My husband is his best friend though, and we share a house He lives up, we live down Thanks for the giggle though.

and yes ReefGeek, the lighting is perfect It was under flourescents at the store
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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Old 03-15-2006, 10:33 PM
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But what lighting are you using?

Just because it survived a few days or weeks in the fish store under fluorescent lighting does not mean it will have long term success unfortunatley.

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Old 03-15-2006, 10:44 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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not sure what the flourescent light wattage is, think its around 100+ though? We got the anemone from Golds. we asked whether it would be okay under flourescent lighting we got it at the beginning of the month and our plan was for about a month we'd leave it in the 10g until we upgrade to a better tank and can set up our 250w MH light. i don't know who it was that served us though. he said it would be fine tho there were 2 of the anemones. there was a smaller on hubby wanted but he gave us this one (double the size the one we'd wanted and didnt notice til we got home). we're just waiting to find a good deal on the type of tank we want while our rock cures and we can put it in
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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