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Old 04-11-2005, 09:45 PM
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Default Tang behaviour

As a follow up to the post I made in the tang for a 75g thread, I thought I would post more on my spoiled pair.

I decided to keep my 170, for now, {thanks for understanding Dan, }. The day I started to remove rock to empty the tank for pick up, I spent more time sitting in front looking at my poor fish than removing anything. In the end they ended up winning. What a sap.

Anywho, I wanted to comment on their behaviour. On my weekend trip to SWC, I picked up a copperband to help with my apitasia. Although not an adult, the one I selected was a little larger than we wanted. We know from a friends tank and others, the problems with trying to introduce any except for small ones, into a tank with established tangs, even young ones like mine.

I thought perhaps my chicken @#*& kole and young yellow, would leave him alone, but oooooh no. Its absolutely amazing how fish like tangs that dont like each other, stick together. Its bad enough one goes nowhere without the other.

Now they team up to go after the newcomer to their territory. Of course the kole has to hide and peek first, so the yellow takes the first shift. Later on the kole is brave enough to have a go himself. Did you ever notice, the kole would rather try bite than tail slash like the yellows. Sheez, even young yellow tangs are dorks.

I spent the whole day watching, hoping it would slow down. It did for awile but when the halides went out and just the actinics were on, back to work they went. I never once seen them land any blows but in the end the poor copperband was just getting to harrassed, so I removed him before night came.

He now is residing in my 55g sump, very happy it seems. I put some rock in their with apitasia and fanworms. He,s eating well and had some brine and bloodworms this morning. Not sure yet how I will introduce him, but will figure something out.

It was just the fellowship of the two tangs that I watched all day, that amazed me. Just like to best friends to the end it seemed. Sure they hate each other. Yea right.
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Old 04-11-2005, 10:41 PM
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All I can suggest is that you rearrange our tank so that established territories no long exist. This may be a huge job given the size of your tank If this was my situation, I might even add the two tangs to your sump with the CCB while reaquascaping so they are all equally freaked at the whole episode. Once back in the display tank, there's a good chance everyone will have bonded during the crisis.

Actually had a similar situation a few weeks ago. Had a lone blue/green chromis in my 120g for ages, though there were other fish in the tank, just not chromis. Anyway, two fish died during a tank crash, and another fish was about to be sold because it was eating my snails. Without the snail eater, I thought the lone chromis would be lonely, so I thought I'd bring home some chromis buddies

Man, was that lone chromis ticked at the new ones I had no idea it would display and chase the four new chromis all over the tank. This went on for a couple of hours, and slowly the original chromis began "tolerating" the new guys. Had to tear down the tank that afternoon to remove the snail eater, but left the chromis in the tank while reaquascaping it. They are all now thick as thieves

Can't wait to get one of the coral beauties I've been eying at the lfs. This should be a breeze to introduce it

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Old 04-11-2005, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Beverly

All I can suggest is that you rearrange our tank so that established territories no long exist. This may be a huge job given the size of your tank If this was my situation, I might even add the two tangs to your sump with the CCB while reaquascaping so they are all equally freaked at the whole episode. Once back in the display tank, there's a good chance everyone will have bonded during the crisis.
Exactly what I was thinking of Beverly. As you mention, its a job and a half though, so I,m mustering up the drive to do it.

Thats funny with the chromis. We have never seen a problem adding new ones. My friend only had one large green chromis left in his 180 and added 6 new ones, but the striped darker ones. The old fellow took to them like family.
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Old 04-12-2005, 07:44 PM
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Well Doug the CBB can come live with me if he wants too.

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 04-15-2005, 09:41 PM
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Update time.

First, he is to big for your tank Mike and your Scopas may lay a beating on him/her.

So, after Mutt & Jeff, {my Kole & Yellow tangs}, spent a couple days in the 55g sump slammer, I moved them back today. The copperband has been in the main tank for almost two days, eating like crazy. Still not sure if its apitasia yet or just other worms.

Of course the rockwork is different, as it was removed to remove the tangs. So far, they are well behaved. The yellow is still a bit aggresive, {pig head}, but the copperband wont back down now. As a matter of fact, if the yellow is to aggressive, the copperband rolls over and waves is sharpe dorsel fins at the yellow. Pretty funny to watch.

All three seem to remember their recent chaotic and to them, life threatning events, for now. Hope this evening it remains that way.

Tip on how to catch fish in a large tang. I have at least four sections of, 3in. pvc pipe, about 8in. to a ft. long. Its buried under the rock a bit, at the sides of the tank. Most fish and snails are in them at one time or another, but they are the main homes for my 3 percs. When trying to net the tangs and after removing some of their rock, they hide in the pipes. Put the net over one end and push the pipe up against the glass and voila.
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Old 04-15-2005, 09:48 PM
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Hey, Doug, excellent strategy moving the tangs to the sump and the CBB to the display tank That way the CBB had a chance to establish its own territory. Love the way you described the CBB display. but makes me miss my pearlscale even more now

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