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Old 12-27-2017, 06:31 AM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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Default maxspect gyre questions

so I have recently purchased two maxspect gyre 230's, just have a few questions for those of you using them, which settings do you prefer and do yours make a bit of noise? I was running and older tunze power head and it was silent but the gyres are noisy
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Old 12-27-2017, 09:19 AM
DorySaid DorySaid is offline
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
so I have recently purchased two maxspect gyre 230's, just have a few questions for those of you using them, which settings do you prefer and do yours make a bit of noise? I was running and older tunze power head and it was silent but the gyres are noisy
I have a Gyre pump but it's the Glamorca brand. Most of the time I want to throw it against the wall. I haven't owned the maxspect version but they are very similar. Mine gets noisy most of the time it's running. It's been doing that since about a month after setting it up. My only advice is try to carefully play with the end pieces and see if you can get them fixated in a silent position. Remove the pump from the water and adjust the end caps by twisting and pulling slightly while the pump is running maybe at 30 or 50%. If you can make it silent this way, then don't touch the side end caps or plastic sleeves (whatever they're called), turn the motor off, and place if gently back into the water and turn the unit on and see if it stays 'silent'. I just did that with mine tonight. One side wasn't even working.
These units in my opinion are super tempermental and probably need adjustment periodically when you clean them at least.
Also I noticed when I put it on reverse mode for a minute it seems to go back to being quiet, but that only lasts a little while.
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Old 12-27-2017, 09:27 PM
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I own the 230 and the 250's. I originally installed the 230's on my 75 gallon tank but upgraded to the 250's because it sounded like a cell phone vibrating when it was running at full speed. With the 250's I can run them at 70% where there is no noise level and it moves more water then the 230's at full power.

The great thing about having the pair of gyro's on the new timer is the diversity in the programs you can run. I cannot run mine in reverse mode because it stirs up the sand bed.

I prefer not to set the program and walk away. I like to change it every day and night. It takes only a couple seconds to change it.

Play with it and find out what works best for you. I prefer the more random modes as it changes the way the water moves in the tank.

Be careful if you get the timing just right (or wrong depending on what you want to do) you can create a wave that will spill water out of the top of the tank. For my tank it is alternating every .7 of a second. If I run these babies at 100% it will get the water rocking and spill water out of the ends of the tank.

It can also stir up the sand, gravel big time and knock corals over if improperly aimed.
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Old 12-28-2017, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
so I have recently purchased two maxspect gyre 230's, just have a few questions for those of you using them, which settings do you prefer and do yours make a bit of noise? I was running and older tunze power head and it was silent but the gyres are noisy
Yes, Gyres are noisy in comparison to Tunze. I like to use the presets on the controller. I had to watch a YouTube video to figure out how to get the presets to run though. The manual doesn't tell you.
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Old 12-28-2017, 03:07 PM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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There are two presets which one are you using?
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Old 12-30-2017, 11:22 PM
iceman86 iceman86 is offline
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I bought 2 of the maxspect and I hate them. 1 just died on me last week after 2 years of use. Aside from them being noisy, I'm constantly replacing worn out parts. The section of plastic coating on the cord that sits in the water even cracked and flaked off. I don't even have them at 100%. I'm going back to jebao or tunze since I've never had issues with them.

I had one on each end of the tank and played with all the settings and different positions. I either got dead spots or sand storms. I eventually just gave up on trying to keep the sand nice and neat, Iet the storm go until the sand bunched up somewhere and had spots of barebottom.

I watched the you tube videos where they put little balls in an empty tank with water to show the gyre effect and how there is no dead spots. It looks good and convincing, but throw in a few rock structures and a bunch of coral and fish moving and the gyre effect doesn't exist.

I have a larger tank so maybe that was the problem. I could see them being good on smaller or tanks with rock structures twards the back where there is lots of open space for the pumps to do their gyre effect.

I thought the purpose of these pumps was to look clean and avoid the cluttering of multiple other pumps because of the functionality of them, but I found them to be like any other single pump, but with a hefty price tag and constantly replacing parts which I've never had to do with other pumps.

End rant/
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Old 12-30-2017, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
There are two presets which one are you using?
Honestly, I can't remember. They are on client tanks. I use Tunze in my own tank on the Tunze Multicontroller.

The presets info starts at 10:20
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 12-30-2017 at 11:41 PM.
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Old 01-01-2018, 07:16 AM
DorySaid DorySaid is offline
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Originally Posted by iceman86 View Post
The section of plastic coating on the cord that sits in the water even cracked and flaked off.
I think I remember hearing that that was a design flaw and you could get a replacement part or whole headunit. I'm pretty certain it was somewhat of a recall and a common problem with the maxspect gyres.
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Old 01-25-2018, 12:36 AM
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Oooh so reviews are 50/50... Not encouraging...

I've ordered a pair for my display which is in an open concept area... Hope it's not noisy cuz then they'll need to go back.
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Old 01-25-2018, 12:43 AM
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Gen1 early releases had the faulty wire / motor block, and faulty controllers. Gen2 seems to have ironed all that out, my 230's are pretty quiet below 70% since they slimed up.

What does suck is controller options. The icecap modules are a rip-off for what they do, and the ICV6 <> 2016 Apex functionality seems to have been abandoned.
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